03/02/2023 - The Outpost - Farm workout

AO: The Outpost

When: 03/02/2023


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Donkey


@channel The Outpost Boot Camp: 3/1/2023 at 5:15 AM

At the farm, we grew over 60 crops comprised of over 200 varieties. Biodiversity mitigated the severity of the season as some crops would thrive while others failed for various environmental factors. 70 percent was a measure of success tipping the scales into a bountiful season. At times over abundance as almost nobody enjoys 28 weeks of kale. Tomorrow let’s enjoy the season to come with a farmer’s workout. We will aim to get 60 in 45, a whopping 130% asked of PAX. Bring coupons plus whatever you deem fit to brave the gloom.


Mucho Chesto:

merkins x10

knerkins x10

diamond merkins x10

staggerd merkins R x10 L x10


Bat wings

Arm circles in cadence (IC), forward x10, reverse x10

Seal claps IC x10

OH claps IC x10

Grady Corns IC x10
Moroccan Night Clubs IC x10

Imperial Walkers IC x10

Alarm clocks OYO x 10

The Thang

Thang 1 Farmer’s Carry 7s

Partner Up: Partner one Butterfly Hatching Sit-ups

Partner 2: Farmer’s Carry 2 coupons across parking lot, Do increasing reps of Bent over Rows starting with one. Rifle carry one coupon back to partner One.

Partner one rifle carry coupon back to coupon across lot. Do BoR rep, increase by one each revolution. farmer’s carry back to partner two, who is performing Butterfly Hatching.

Thang 2: Bear Crawl Four Corners

Play on Care Bear Squared from Iron Pax. Each island is a corner. Bear crawl short side, karaoke longer side. Complete 10 reps at each station

1. air squats

2. Smurf jacks

3. Alarm Clocks (again)

4. Burpees (thanks Crop)

Circle of Trust

I wanted to express the difficulties of transition. I went from climbing last week to computer training this week. Time flows different in the canopy of a tree compared to the confines of the office. I’m not as tired physically that I can more stuff done, but it puts the need for F3 even more in my daily routine. This is the disruption I needed, but it’s time to bet on myself and get uncomfortable in sales.

Naked Man Moleskin

I loved how excited Blues got over his worm sighting. With just a short three weeks to the vernal equinox, today felt more spring with day breaking through the end of the workout. I heard my first Kildeer this morning. It’s not exactly a harbinger of spring but serendipitous for a common farm bird to visit a farm workout.

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