03/05/2021 - The Complex - Gainz 2.0

AO: The Complex

When: 03/05/2021


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, Blueprints, Buttermaker, Cousin Eddie, Giggles, Magellan, Mom's Group, Nacho Libre, Nest, Ozark, Poutine, Short Round, Spork, Tang, Tonka, Trailer Park, Woodwind,

DR Names: n/a

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: n/a

QIC: Tonka


Thank you info only channel for reminding me of this Q on Sunday. However, the week got away from me and had to go into the bag o tricks for the beatdown. Played soccer last night so wanted to limit running but still have some. PB posted, put up a EC Ruck went to bed.

EC Ruck had 5 of us-Blueprints, Ann Arbor, Magellan, Woodwind and YHC. We solved the world’s problems and got back in time for the beatdown.

5:14-setup the Jane Fonda band and speaker and 5:15 time to roll


Neck Rolls-cause we are lifting

Moroccan Nightclubs

Arm Circles

Should stretch

Then we mosey’d the parking lot. PAX were instructed on what was going on in the Thang.

The Thang


We will do a series of 4 lifts with the coupons or Jane Fonda bands in YHC’s case. There is no count we are going until someone yells, “I’m there”, Mercy, FU Tonka whatever. Then as a group we will do 4 together. All are encouraged for “One More” after those 4. We would continue asking for 1 more until someone stopped or YHC heard cement to cement contact.


Overhead Press

Bent Over Rows

Chest Press


After each set of all four lifts we divided in 2 groups for Indian Runs around the church parking lot. 1st round PAX were able to Mosey, hold hands while skipping and mumblechat. Round 2 and 3 Rudy and YHC stepped it up a notch with a little competition. Losers owed 10 burpees.


Varying cadence count tempo for


American Hammers


Circle of Trust

Keep it simple. Challenged to look at your lives and anything that is providing unneeded stress discard it. Today was simple 4 exercises and a run. Its not how different the work is, its how hard you work at it.


Naked Man Moleskin

Ann Arbor was a beast. When the PAX put their coupons down he begged for more rows!

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