03/08/2021 - Black Panther - Going the Distance

AO: Black Panther

When: 03/08/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Boxcutter, Crambone, DJ Sump Pump, Elway, Fargo, Judge Smails, O'Douls, Parks and Rec, The Wedding Planner, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names: Dick Cheney

QIC: Rudy


Was pretty pumped this morning as I was leading my first ruck club. My nerves were put at ease after viewing who would be in attendance (BP Ruckin Regulars, P&R, Fargo, Judge, DJ, etc.). These guys get after it and I enjoy working out with these HIM’s.

Rolled up to BP around 5:05. Not much to prepare for, so I was able to sleep in a little longer. It was a beautiful morning, so I knew this day would go just fine. PAX started rolling in and it was go time. After fist bumping everyone and welcoming them, The Great Judge gave me a 5:15 shout and now it’s go time. As we started to do warm-o-rama, I noticed we all had our rucks off except one PAX….BoxCutter. Not sure what he was thinking as we started SSH, but he quickly learned he need to take the ruck off. LOL. Boxcutter is my guy. True HIM.


I went through the CORE Principles of F3 as I typically do, prior to the start of the warm-o-rama.

First exercise….SSH. From there, we completed arm circles (front and back), goof balls (one my favorites), imperial walkers and ended with good mornings. Now it was time to get moving.

The Thang

We completed an Indian Walk (not politically correct) around the perimeter of BP. I brought two coupons with me to make it more interesting. The person at the end of the line would have to walk/run to the front of the line and pass it back to the next person. As we did this, it seemed to cause some issues (not sure what I was thinking when I planned it). No need to worry, my brother Tonka suggested that the person that runs to the front of the line with the coupons, drops them off to the side for the last person to then pick up. Brilliant. Let’s continue moving.

We’re now moving along BP as we stumbled upon the hill.  I knew I’d want to do something with the hill. So here is what we did……Each person (one at a time) has to carry the coupons up the hill and back down. While that person was doing that, the other PAX were doing the following with the ruck on….

Burpees, Squats, Mountain climbers and Merkins (in that order). We started with 5 each and increase by 5’s until it was your turn to carry the coupons up and back down the hill.

Once that was completed, we continued on with our Indian Walk around the school and back to where we started. We had about a good 4-5 minutes left for Mary so that was good to get a little ab work in.

Circle of Trust

Continue to treasure the relationships you have with your families. At any point, it could be taken away. Do not take it for granted. Love your kids everyday, love your spouse, love your family, Love your God. Be thankful, be humble. Continue to reflect, ask God for strength, guidance and for blessings for all. We aren’t perfect, but we’re still his children. We live and we learn.

We said a prayer for Appletini’s daughter. Praying for successful surgery and a speedy recovery. We also said a prayer for Cannoli’s wife as they prepare for the birth of their child. We asked God to bless his wife and give her the courage and strength to get through the delivery successfully. Bless them all.


Naked Man Moleskin

Keep Moving Forward.

Go the Distance. It doesn’t Stop.


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