02/01/2021 - Iron Lion - IL Fartsack Redemption

AO: Iron Lion

When: 02/01/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Cousin Eddie, Glass Joe, Mellencamp, Nosejob, pi 3.14, Sputnik, Sulley,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pi 3.14


I set 16.5 different alarms including having my dad call me on my landline at 4:00am for a wake-up call.

Messaged Site Q with ETA before hitting the road. Loaded truck with heavy equipment for the workout. Out the door and on the road by 4:30am.

24°, feels like 19°. Compacted snow and slush. Flags planted at HS parking lot. Arrived at 5:02am just behind Site Q. Set up stations and cones at 4 corners of parking lot

Good morning!
We are not professionals and I am not aware of your injuries. This is a free workout, each pax participates at his own risk, modify as needed. We acknowledge that there is a new risk we all face, COVID-19. Keep 15+ feet workout distance at all times and respect non-F3 walkers and runner’s space..


Motivators (8)
High Knees (20)
Abe Vigodas (12)
Imperial Walkers (15)
Good Mornings (12)
Arm circles

The Thang

Count off by four
Four teams

Station I
Log, Sandbag or Farmers carry
Choose a piece of equipment, Log, Sandbag or two coupons and Mosey around entire parking lot

Station II
Battle ropes
Air squats if 3 or more PAX

Station III
Log carry to next station and back

Station IV
20 Curls For Girls
20 High Pulls
20 Overhead Presses
20 Tricep Extensions
20 Merkins.

Circle of Trust

SiteQ read Announcements from Slack Info Only channel

Dear Lord, thank you for the ability to get up, roll out of bed, the courage to make good decisions that make us better. Thank you for the strength of F³Crossroads, the strength of this brotherhood. Thank you for strong men that surround me here. We pray that we may stay strong through these times of uncertainty and stress. Please help remove the fear and give us guidance and give our leaders vision to get back to the known. We pray for educators who have an extremely tough job right now. We pray for the family in Des Plained, a mother and and four girls, the oldest 6 years old. Also we pray for the family in Aurora who lost their mother, 39 years of age to another fire. She leaves behind three kids ages 3, 6, 9. We also pray for an end to the rash of car jackings currently going Kristen Howard who is battling her third bout with cancer. We pray for Storm Chaser’s friend Katie who passed away
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen

Naked Man Moleskin

Thank you brothers for joining me this morning. Get right. Live Right. Lead Right. Leave Right

I’d like to share a story…

One evening, a five-year old boy went to his father, gave him a BIG hug and then whispered in his ear: “Daddy, we don’t spend enough time together.”
The father, who loved his son so dearly, knew in his heart that he was right and replied: “You’re right son, and I’m so sorry! But I promise that I’ll make it up to you! Look… Since tomorrow is Saturday, why don’t we spend the entire day together? Just you and me!”
They agreed together on this plan and the little boy couldn’t be more happy. He went to bed that night with a big smile on his face, excited for the next day.
The next morning, the father woke up earlier than usual. He just wanted to make sure!#!hat he could still enjoy his cup of coffee with his morning newspaper, before his son awoke.
Lost in thought while reading the business section, he was caught by surprise when suddenly his son pulled the newspaper down and enthusiastically shouted: “Daddy, I’m up! Let’s play!”

The father, although excited to see his son and eager to spend the day together, found himself craving for just a little bit more time, so he could finish his morning routine.
He grabbed his son, gave him a HUGE hug and then quickly came up with an idea.
Earlier in his reading, he saw a full-page ad with a picture of the world as seen from space. He quickly found it, tore it up into little pieces, and spread them out on the table.
He found some tape for his son and said, “I want to see how fast you can put this puzzle together!”
The boy enthusiastically dove right in, while his father went back to reading the newspaper.
In a surprisingly short period of time, within just a few minutes, the boy had taped the picture back together. The father was astonished. He couldn’t believe it, so he asked his son, “How on earth did you do that so fast?”
The young boy replied, “It was easy, Dad! I couldn’t do it at first and I started to give up because it was so hard. But then I saw that there was a picture of a man on the other side. And when I put the man together, the world just fell into place.”

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