09/23/2020 - Black Panther - IPC Week #4, The Finale, or is it……..

AO: Black Panther

When: 09/23/2020


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names: Bartles & Jaymes, Bobby Fischer, Boxcutter, Brick, Chop Shop, DJ Sump Pump, Early Bird, Enron, Fargo, Flo, Half Price, Judge Smails, Lewinsky, Milton, Parks and Rec, Pork Rinds, Sonny Bono, Sosa, The Wedding Planner, Thomas Tank Engine, Trailer Park, Urkel,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pork Rinds


After leading IPC Week #2, I decided that I should also lead IPC Week #4 since it was still open after I completed Week #2.  I eagerly anticipated the release of the workout details Sunday from F3Greenwood and watched what was in store for us early Sunday evening.  After watching the video I immediately thought to myself…..”This looks like the easiest workout of the IPC so far!”  NEVER BEEN MORE WRONG!

I will have to say I enjoy setting up for these challenges, coming up with different creative ways to actually see what we are doing in the gloom.  The time of the morning presents a little challenge since it never gets light outside until well past the workout is over.  That being said, I bought some “clearance” disc lights to put underneath the cones I brought to light the field for those murder bunnies.  Safety first!

I decided to plan a little early and went to the field last night to recon the conditions and mark the field so it wouldn’t take forever in the morning.  I went out with my spotlight, tape measure, cones, and some other supplies and got started.  Milton came out to help me and it went a lot quicker after he showed up,  Thanks Milton!  After the field was marked for where I was going to put the cones and lights in the morning, I went home and went to sleep.  Bring on IPC in the morning……….


Abe Vigodas X 15 IC

Tappy Taps X 15 IC

Imperial Walkers X 15 IC

Arm Circles X 10 Forward and Backwards

The Thang

IPC Week #4

To save time and effort (mostly mine), you get the link and can watch the video to see what was done……..

Sorry, not sorry…….need to save my energy for RC tomorrow with Parks and Rec………





Circle of Trust

Count – O – Rama completed

Announcements were given by Brick

Name – O – Rama completed

Prayers were said for Mr. Miyagi’s continued recovery from Cancer surgery and for all unspoken people in our hearts and minds.

Naked Man Moleskin

If IPC has taught me one thing it’s integrity.  Integrity is crucial in IPC.  Counting reps properly, proper form, not cheating distance or time, etc.  IPC is the one time of the year that we are measured (for time and/or distance and/or reps) amongst the nation and every other PAX that signs up for this challenge.  You should feel good that you came out to do these challenges and had complete integrity in reporting your score.  I know I will not be in the top 10 or even top 100 PAX that participate but I know at the end of the day I kept my integrity intact by doing what I could as best as I could.

I challenged every one that came out to support me today to keep their integrity throughout the entire year and not just during IPC challenges.  25 solid form merkins are much better than 50 half assed or improper form merkins.  This brought to mind something Chop Shop said during one of his Q’s a long time ago and I paraphrase, “It’s not the number of posts you have under your belt but the quality of those posts.”


Until next time,

Pork Rinds

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