08/19/2020 - Iron Lion - Iron Pax rehearsal

AO: Iron Lion

When: 08/19/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Ant Hill, Binky, ChainLink, Dorn, House Arrest, Mayhem, Mr. Nice Guy, Nair, Rainman, Ronda Rousey, Smalls, Sweet Gherkins, Tailspin, Webelos,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Bandwidth

QIC: Poutine


:rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light: AO VQ ALERT – IRON LION Pre-blast for WED 8/19 is here :rotating_light::rotating_light::rotating_light:
Inspired by a few PAX lately to get out of my d4mn comfort zone and start visiting some of our other fine AOs, and have been looking forward to my 2nd trip (a little embarrassed it’s only my 2nd :eyes: smh) to the one and only :lion_face:‘s Den! Tomorrow, we’ll fight through some of my fond memories (‘fond’ is a little misleading) of last years Iron Pax challenges, plenty of good practice for next month. MEN of of IRON LION, please join me ITG at 515A, bring your coupons and a full tank of gas, you’ll need it


Good mornings IC to 15

SSH IC to 40 (raised tempo every 10)

10 Bonnie Blairs (each leg is 1)

Ray Finkle’s IC to 10 x 2 (some terrible cadence and balance was on display by the Q here)

High Knees IC to 15

The Thang

IPC rehearsal    


50 coupon curls

40 goblet squats

30 coupon swings (get that coupon above your sightline)

20 overhead coupon TRIs

10 blockees

2 Canadian Sunrises (1 each side)

1 laps around the lot (.3 miles)

Repeat exercises, but 2 laps (.6 miles)

Repeat exercises, but 3 laps (.9 miles)


10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on the 4)

Windshield wipers IC

10 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on the 4)

Protractors – 90/45/30/15 On My Go

15 Tempo Merkins (down on the 1-2-3, up on the 4)

Circle of Trust

With the world as we know it these days and Iron Pax push coming, I’ve been reminded of this recently and now remind you….TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES MEN!

We come from all walks of life, age brackets, fitness back grounds (or lack thereof for some of us) but one thing most of us have in common (outside of our crazy love of 430A alarm clocks), is we put our families first, and ourselves second (or 3rd, or 4th…) – it is what makes us who we are and the men we strive to be, it urges us on most days, and these days that’s more important than ever, but we have to take care of ourselves too. Like from the announcement we used to get on airplanes, you must put the oxygen mask on first, then help others. If we break down, physically or mentally, we aren’t much good to anyone. I’ve mentioned this in other CoTs, I’ve had more than a few physical reality checks since joining F3, some workout related injuries, and some when there is just shit wrong and more recently some mental battles as well. We need to try and prevent the surprises, take care of our whole selves as best we can, get to a doctor regularly, have that thing checked out you’ve been putting off, get a physical, do some stretching for once in your life! And if needed, talk to someone to help get your mind right; hired help, a friend, or maybe even Bob Ross :). Take care of yourself, you deserve it and your families need you too. I love coming out in the gloom and getting stronger with you, that won’t stop, but it has only increased my love of family and I want to able bodied and of right mind for as long as humanly possible. So my ask of you all is to go home and take at least one necessary step today, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES MEN!


Lets pray….

Thank you Lord for this group of men, thank you for blessing us all and providing us with this wonderful and much need outlet especially during these crazy times. Please keep watch over all us, our families, and friends. And help to continue to set us on the right path.

Provide for them like zonly you know how.

In your name, we pray. Amen.

Naked Man Moleskin

Some stand out fartsacks that need not be named but i will in order to be properly recorded…BabyHands and Goldberg (shout out to Smalls for stepping up!), at least they fartsacked for the 1st time together, so sweet lol.

Hootie and Wine in Box woke under the weather – feel better brothers.

You guys were all missed.

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