10/29/2020 - The Complex - Listen to the MUSTN’TS

AO: The Complex

When: 10/29/2020


Number of Pax: 22

Pax Names: Ann Arbor, Bongo, Caboose, Cousin Eddie, Dorn, Dr. Ralph, Flush, Giggles, Goldberg, Huskie, Last Call, Marla Hooch, Mom's Group, Mr. Nice Guy, Nair, Onions, Putz, Shandy, Snorkle, Turner, Waterfall, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: 0

QIC: Ronda Rousey


Pulled in first to TC and was joined by Dr. Ralph a couple minutes later.  The conversation was ours, but please keep Wet Wipe, Big Mike and his entire family in your prayers.  The good doctor needed to borrow a coupon, so I let him borrow my original airbrushed RRR coupon.  I had all the faith that it was in good hands.  Ask Smalls if you need to find out how much that coupon means to me.  🙂

I realized that I had zero Pink Floyd on my playlist and was hoping the Pax that showed did not feel duped.  The pre-blast was about two cool events in history (at least to me) that happened on this day.  Pink Floyd’s last tour gig and John Glenn blasting into space at the age of 77.  The underlying theme was subtle, but I wanted everyone to feel the push of the hill and walk away comfortably numb at the end.



Arm Circles Forward/Backward x 15 IC

Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Ruinite Wine Mixers x 10 IC

Squat Stretch X 10 IC

R/L and L/R Stretch X 10 IC

Coupon mosey to the hill past the picnic area and go to work.

The Thang

Thang 1

Blockies X 15 IC

15 Offset Merkins R/L

20 Derkins

30 Coupon Chest Press

Plank Jacks X 15 IC

Each of the following trips up the hill was done in the following order after each exercise for each Thang.

Cossack Squat R/L switch halfway up the hill.


Nurs/Bernie Sanders

Bear Crawl


Thang 2

Should Press X 20

Seal Claps X 20

Coupon Swings X 20

Lion Kings x 20

Carolina Dry Docks X 15

Thang 3

Bent Over Coupon Row x 20

Single Arm Coupon Row R/L x 10

Supermans x 10 – Pax held until I said down.  Pushed the last rep.

Doggie Paddle x 10

AB’s x 20 IC

Thang 4

Curls x 20

Ebeneezer Penny Pinchers R/L x 10 IC – flaked bad on my left arm.

Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Curls x 20

Shoulder Taps x 20 IC


American Hammers x 50 IC

Circle of Trust

I sincerely thank all of you for being here.  You could be anywhere else right now, but you are here and that means a lot to me.  Thank you.  I’ve heard this spoken about in some other COT’s, but I felt compelled to put my own spin on the issue.  I’m speaking about the impact technology has on our lives and relationships.

This is one of my earliest childhood memories.  I was 4 1/2 years old.  This time for me was around the same time that the TV sitcom M*A*S*H was in the middle of a wildly successful 11 year run.  My dad worked insanely long hours, so his time at night with me was very precious.  The night M*A*S*H aired for 30 minutes, my dad would like to come home, unwind and watch.  What he failed to understand (from my perspective) was that this was our time together.  My solution?  The TV had to die.  I would turn the TV on when my mom was not looking during the day.  I would then proceed to fill empty glass Coke bottles with water and dump them through the back vents of the TV.  The water would make the tubes crackle, hiss and pop.  However, the TV would never stop working.  The TV won the day and my dad’s attention for 30 minutes a week regardless of how many trips I made to the kitchen.

Let me be clear.  This is not a knock on my dad.  I had much of his time and attention then and I do now.  We also watch M*A*S*H together and are equally found of the show.  Jokes on me.  I also do not believe technology is inherently evil.  I’d be a hypocrite if I did.  Technology to me is like anything else left unchecked and consumed in moderation.  Too much of anything can lead to disastrous results.  The point I’m making is that our TV’s now travel everywhere with us.  I question what my 2.0’s would be willing to do to kill any one of the devices in my house that keeps me from giving them my full attention.  I can assure you that all important customer email receives more than 30 minutes of my attention per week.  I just believe this is something all of us should take into consideration.  Especially, when making the conscience choice to turn over that TV in your hand when a child is speaking.

Homework assignment for PAX:

Go home and read the following poem to your 2.0(s) and come up with a plan to remove those MUSTN’TS that stand in there way.  Better yet.  Print it up, read it and give it to them.

“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”

In the eloquent words of Nacho Libre…the MUSTN’TS, Don’ts, Shouldn’ts, Impossibles and the Won’ts can eat shit.  We own the gloom and we just won the day already.

Had to end with a quick Our Father to get right after swearing and offered up sincere prayers for Wet Wipe and his family.


Naked Man Moleskin

I worked out next to Snorkle and Woodwind today.  I have to thank them both for helping me keep cadence this morning and for the push up and down the hill.  I hate bear crawls, so I do them.  Thank you to Dr. Ralph for taking care of my coupon and for keeping us all safe as Site-Q.  Not easily done when you consider that Goldberg made a coupon explode in his hands using only his mind.  I’m not sure if this was Mr. Nice Guy’s first trip to TC, but I felt like he made the trip for me.  I owe him my thanks and an HC regardless.  Congrats to Bongo for jumping back ITG post surgery!  He looked great.  Onions made it sizzle and my brother from another mother kept asking where the Pink Floyd tunes were.  I love all the Complex guys and it is a great AO that everyone should visit.  RRR out!

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