10/04/2021 - The Citadel - Monday Funday!

AO: The Citadel

When: 10/04/2021


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Clearcoat, CVS, Five Hole, Handy Manny, Nala, Puddles, Simba, Sweet Gherkins, Zima,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala


Ok everyone, I hate Mondays. I usually sleep in to avoid the inevitable end of the weekend. Not tomorrow ( hopes). Tomorrow I’m gunna start the week with a :bangbang:. There will be Coupons abused and definitely some running around. Who’s with me? HC in the thread and LFG!


Woke up before the alarm and finalized the plan on the way to the Citadel. We’d have a burner for sure today!


5:15 rolled around, core principles were shared and disclaimer was given, then off we went.


YHC promised we’d start the week with a bang, so we did 40 SSH in cadence, speeding up every 10 until it was hard to count the last 10. BANG! Blood flowing.

10 Tappy Taps In Cadence then let’s mosey!

Made our way to the northwest corner of the lot to heat up the shoulders –

10 Arm Circles forward in cadence, 10 backward, 10 seal claps, 10 overhead claps, 10 abe vigotas, 10 grady corn. Recover. BANG!

Mosey around by the church and do a bit of shoulder stretching and time for thang 1.

The Thang

Thang 1: This was something YHC saw in an old Mrs. Doubtfire video on instagram. It was forgotten until recently, when looking for bear crawl exercises in the exicon before the 5k. Today was the day to pull out 20 bear crawl merkins in cadence across the parking lot. Simple, yet sucky.

Grab the coupons, line up for a rebel run to the pavilion, turn left then down to a cone between the outfields.

Thang 2: Vicious Circle
Pax lined up for a vicious circle around the north baseball field infield (ran close to the grass). Vicious Circles were introduced to me by Appletini, and are a great way to get some mileage in during a boot camp. Pax in the back of the line runs to the middle, does exercises, then to the front of the line. Each pax got an opportunity to do 5 merkins, 5 big boys, and 3 burpees before the circle ended.

Thang 3: Light Coupon work…
After making our way back to the coupons, the next set was alternating coupon pavilion (bench) work. First round was Curls/Dips, 2nd round was Coupon Squats, step ups (alternating legs, each leg counts as 1).

Starting at the cone by the outfield, it was 15 curls, run to the pavilion, 15 dips, rinse and repeat, increasing reps to 20, then 30. Hold plank for 6.

Repeato doing Coupon Squats and Step Ups.

Grab coupons and mosey back to the flags.

10 LBCs in Cadence

Recover Recover (Thang 3 took a bit longer than anticipated)

Circle of Trust

YHC recently has been making it a point to do Q source on Fridays at 12. One thing that jumped out recently was the idea of consistency. For me, I will likely not be a 7pack pax, however, there is no reason why I’m struggling to get 5 or 6 in every week. When I want to accelerate in all three “Fs” it needs to start with the first one. If I focus on being consistent to beatdowns, the rest falls into place. Probably because of the work that’s required to be consistent in accelerating fitness.

The challenge is to find the things we need to be more consistent in and focus on those, it will make us better leaders, husbands, employees, fathers, etc.


Father God, thank you for this morning, the ability to get out of bed and the opportunity to make myself better. Thank you for the men who came out to support me and for the prayers pax offer up – our F3 brothers who are suffering from an ailment preventing them from being in the gloom, and for Appletini’s brother and family as a whole. Also any prayers we keep between you and us. May you hear our prayers and may we feel your presence. In your Son’s name.

Naked Man Moleskin

YHC struggles on Mondays. It’s hard to get up after busy weekends and start the week over. As this workout was coming together, YHC got excited, because it seemed like it may be a burner. I had never done bear crawl merkins, and that worked well – I think it will come out again, and the cadence will improve.

Thanks to everyone that came out!

Zima – it was good to see you again, it’s been a while!
Sweet Gherkins – you seem to never get tired during a beatdown, your stamina is incredible.
Simba – Great to meet you, At some point I need to learn how you got your name.
CVS – great push today – I know it was a lot of running (especially after Saturday) and it was great to see you push through.
Handy Manny – talk about the model of consistency. Thank you for the inspiration.
Puddles – Your bear crawl strides were the reason we stopped at 20. I wanted to go further, but you were so far out in front I was afraid I’d crash you into the wood chips, lol. Nicely done!
Five Hole – Great job as always brother – seems like if it’s sucky it brings a smile to your face. I love that!
Clearcoat – thanks for picking up the 6, and continuing to push every to work hard.

-Hakuna Matata
Nala out!

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