06/17/2023 - The Complex - Moonlight Graham, The Field of Dreams, and Father’s Day…

AO: The Complex

When: 06/17/2023


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names:

QIC: Blues Clues


Nice chill start to the morning…no haze in the valley of The Complex…PAX began to fill in…Bear Spray brought in “John”…an FNG who would soon earn a new title…



Side Straddle Not’s!

Tappy Taps

Tie Fighters

Mosey with coupon to outfield South side of lot, drop coupons, mosey to Pavillion

The Thang

Thang #1 Shoeless Joe

  • Partner Up – 1 does Balls to the Wall, 2 does 10 Derkins from picnic table, keep going to “Hey Joe” by Jimi Hendrix
  • Mix of Stepups and Rocky Balboa’s on picnic tables
  • Mosey to baseball field

Thang #2 Moonlight Graham

  • “All he wanted was one major league at bat” PAX lined up along 3rd baseline holding plank. The first PAX closest to home plate starts a 2×2 (2 Merkins + 2 Mountain Climbers) then sprints to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and all the way home doing 2 more Merkins at each base. Once the first PAX takes off, the next PAX follows the routine and the rest waterfall down until everyone gets their “one at bat”. (Holding plank whole time while batters run the bases)
  • Mosey to field behind fence in right field.

Thang #3 Catcher In the Rye

Terrence Mann played by James Early Jones is loosely based on JD Salinger who wrote “The Catcher in the Rye”. This is a book about many things, one theme is experiencing many “new” aspects in life as an adolescent and being exposed to more truths in the world. As a Catcher in the Rye, you must develop a strong foundation to grow from.

  • Bernie Sanders to 1st Light Pole. Then, 2 Walking Lunges + 2 Squats all the way to 2nd light pole. Then Bernie Sanders to final light pole which is all the way across the entire outfield fence.

Thang #4 Chokin on a Hot Dog (Back to coupons)

There are times in our lives when don’t realize we are doing our most important work. Moonlight Graham wanted to be a MLB player. Instead he became a doctor. In the movie Field of Dreams, because he’s a doctor, he saves a little girls life as she is choking on a hot dog. There are times in our lives when don’t realize we are doing our most important work.

  • Chest Press x Skull Crushers x 2 sets of 30
  • Partner Abyss Merkins x5 and x10

Thang #5 If you Build It…He will Come

  • D.A.D. is who “he” is in the movie Field of Dreams. Kevin Costner gets to play catch with his dad as he builds the field to make it happen. Instead of planting corn (comfort) he did something insane and built a field of dreams where ghost come to play baseball (discomfort). This is how he got to play catch with his dad who had passed long ago. Something unreal occured.
  • D = Do 10 Curls
  • A = And do 10 more Curls a little slower
  • D = Do 10 more Curls on Q’s slowest cadence count

We played catch with each other for the final 5 minutes and ending with Warrior II to the sunrise. 6 o’clock, recover, recover.


Circle of Trust

I left the PAX with some thoughts on Moonlight Graham, The Field of Dreams movie, and Father’s Day…

  • There are times in our lives when don’t realize we are doing our most important work. For me, this is being a dad.
  • Remember, God is there, especially in the valley.
  • Move through exits, make grand entrances.

There is a field of dreams for us all fellas. It takes courage to move into it. The word courage comes from the Latin word Cor which means heart. 

So if you’re looking to find something in your field of dreams. You know where to look.

Happy Father’s Day fellas.

Naked Man Moleskin

Shout out to my brother Carmen San Diego who signed up to run the Chicago marathon this fall! We got a couple miles and mumble chatter + extended breakfasteria after posting. HIM.

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