08/28/2020 - The Citadel - Mystery RC

AO: The Citadel

When: 08/28/2020


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Abu, Ball Boy, Bartles & Jaymes, Blow Dry, Cataracts, Fargo, Flo, Handy Manny, Jiffy Lube, Nala, One Bar, Parks and Rec, Sonny Bono, Sweet Gherkins, Toadstool,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Jiffy Lube

QIC: Aladdin



BOOM! No pressure….

4:55 FNG Alex aka Jiffy Lube calls asking if he parked at the right location. Right then and there I felt the adrenaline start pumping. Bumping my tunes I pull in the lot at 4:58 Jiffy Lube and Abu were already there. We plant our flag and start moving around as PAX begin arriving. I was envisioning the game plan as I stretched these sore muscles. I ran it by Nala before getting started.


Disclosure given, game plan shared, please modify as necessary (our ego is not our amigo)




Abe Vigotas IC 15

Hold right leg up single count 10

Hold left leg up single count 10

Left foot forward right knee down single count 10

Right foot forward left knee down single count 10

Motivators from 8

The Thang

Thang One

Indian run around perimeter of Church parking lot, 2 lines all the way to the Eola bridge (mosey speed)

Thang Two

1.5ish mile straight run from Eola bridge to Oakhurst Dr and back. Run the perimeter of N parking lot until the six is in.

Thang Three (the sprinkles on the F3 Sundae)

A variation of sprints on the volleyball courts

8 total (6 as a group and 2 in lines of 2)

Group (straight sprint, backwards run, backwards run/half sprint, straight sprint)

Individual we partnered up with a PAX similar speed (straight sprints X 2)

Thang Four

Indian Run back to the Flags (a little faster pace than first)

JAILBREAK with about 50 yards to flag


American Hammers IC 25

LBC’s IC 15

Big Boy Sit Up’s IC 15

Flutter Kicks IC 15

Circle of Trust

“It’s easy to give grace when I recall how much I need it”.

The subject of the week for me has been around the word “Grace”. I shared with the HIM’s how thankful I am for it and how important it is for all of us to make “Grace Deposits”. We’ll need them one day, the question is will we have any to withdraw?  Let’s stay in curiosity instead of jumping to conclusions. Why can’t we assume the best until proven otherwise. As F3 Men I believe it’s our responsibility to lead by example. Let’s do our  research, not jump to conclusions and use this amazing brain of ours. Respond > React

Prayers for Koo Aid, Lisa and Tom

Prayers for TBD’s successful surgery and speedy recovery

Final Prayer

Naked Man Moleskin

Citadel’s standard of a RC is pretty high in my opinion, I knew I had to bring it. A few PAX I don’t normally work out with were in attendance and that’s always cool. It was awesome leading Q today. I fed off the PAX as we went through the thangs. The first Indian run was a little weak, yet the energy definitely  increased as we kept moving. A mediocre RC was not going to take place on my watch. We lined up at the bridge and it was off to the races. Ball boy of course leading the way although young buck Jiffy Lube was up there with him, at least for a bit. I’m glad he’s finding other gazelles to stay sharp with. Abu was on his tail last week. It was muggy with humidity was at 94% percent. A few bikers were out and about. By the time it was time to play in the sand (thanks Tonka) mummblechatter was a higher as we were back together as a unit. Subway was encouraging the PAX the entire, thank you. It was at this point where we embraced the suck and just got to it. We dug deep (literally) and killed that shzzzzzzzz. We shared the 40% rule I learned from House Arrest at the Lion. H0w can you not get excited when every HIM is leaving it all on the field? When we finished playing in the sandbox that was our mantra all the way back to the flags (leave it all on the field). No man left behind yet no man left where found! What an amazing concept! Citadel it was an honor, thank you all for coming out and making it was it was.

Signing off…

See you @ the TOP! d

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