04/20/2020 - Virtuosity - Never Getting Swole On Our Own Supply

AO: Virtuosity

When: 04/20/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Bjorn, Bob Ross, Fargo, Goldberg, Mr. Hankey, Rusty, Shandy, Tonka, Townie,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Longshanks

QIC: Tonka


Tonka 2day now Tonka 3day. Since tomorrow is now somewhat a legal holiday in the Land of Lincoln we will pay it some homage by Never Getting Swole On Our Own Supply.


You now were to put those HCs


Coupons required

Running will be apart of this. Bring a jump rope if you can’t run. Runs will be 100 meters (4ish houses) and 200 meters (8ish houses).



Abe Vigodos-20 IC

SSH- 20 IC

Various arm stretches-20 sec count

The Thang

Thang 1-4 20s (similar to 11s)

Start w/4 coupon swings then bear crawl 10 feet and do 20 burpees. Crabwalk back to coupon. Increase coupon swings by 2 to 6 bear crawl 10 feet and do 18 burpees. Crabwalk back to coupon. Continue increasing coupon swings by 2 each while decreasing burpees by 2 each round.

Thang 2-Partner Run/Lift

Round 1-Partner 1 gives partner 2 an exercise to do while partner 1 runs 400 meters. When partner 1 returns-partner 2 gives a different exercise to partner 1 while partner 2 runs 400 meters.

Round 2-same as Round 1 except the runs are 200 meters in length


LBC x 30 IC

Never Cross Dolly X 30 IC

Swimmers X 25 IC

American Hammers X20 IC

Plank it out till 6

Circle of Trust

Discussed leadership an how it comes in different forms. Not always vocally, but our actions are another form of leadership.

Prayed for Bob Ross’ brother Mike as well as Dr Ralph’s family during this time of loss (grandmother).

Naked Man Moleskin

Thang 2 was worth the try digitally but it did not run that smooth. 1 variation if used during a future virtual Q would be to assign the first lift to everyone and then let the pairs choose afterwards. It would be worth trying in a future Q when we are back together ITG.

PAX were thrilled that we were able to do an initiation beatdown of Mr. Hankey. Mr. Hankey decided to cross territories from Death Row, where he HC’d, to Bad Boy where he posted.

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