03/26/2021 - Dark Tower - Post-Vaccine Q

AO: Dark Tower

When: 03/26/2021


Number of Pax: 20

Pax Names: Aladdin, Augustus Gloop, Backstreet, Blues Clues, Dingo, Drago, Glenn, Harbaugh, Leuben, Moonlight, Sam Walton, Shandy, Skilling, Snorkle, Sparky, Sun Devil, Wide Right,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Bear Spray

QIC: Uncle Rico


Signed up for this Q a few weeks back to hit up the turf field because I think turf fields are awesome to workout on so was excited to get into the mix. And then Monday I get a COVID-19 vaccine appointment after about an hour of searching and turns out to be yesterday. I didn’t know which one I was getting and had heard varying degrees of reactions to these shots. Thursday morning I secured a back-up Q (rhymes with Brandy) just in case I was feeling too funky to Q but really wanted to get out and keep this 6-pack dream alive. I do a 6er like once every 6 months. Feeling fine all day, excited about the HC’s coming in and shaping up to be a monster SQUAD. I get home from my youngest 2.0’s dance rehearsal and my oldest 2.0 had just fallen HARD on the sidewalk and the wrist area was in serious question. Did some super amateur triage and medical evaluation, rubbed some dirt on it and popped some Children’s Advil, and said a little prayer she’d be okay during the night so Daddy could Q and keep all his hopes and dreams alive. All good. Entire house crushed it with their sleep and those sweet sweet chimes and haptics at 0420 sounded glorious! Legooooooooooooo!


FNG ‘Nick’ (Bass Master’s brother) was welcomed and a proper F3 Introduction was made. We took off towards the turf field. Stopped in the round-about in the high school parking lot across the street for some WoR: SSH’s IC x 15, Good Morning’s IC x 15, Mountain Climbers IC x 15. Kept heading towards the field. Stopped and lined up against a wall for some Head Shoulder Knees Toes IC x 40. Finally arrived at the field.

The Thang

PAX lined up on the Goal Line for a 100-yard Merkin Run – every 10 yds stop and do 5 GOOOOOOD Merkins. Once at the opposite Goal Line, turn around and run the 100 yards back but this time do 5 Hydraulics every 10 yds.

PAX lined up on a sideline for some 11’s. 1 Crab Cake (each foot+hand touch is 1/2) + Broad Jump across the field for the first 5 rounds then Run + 10 Big Boy Sit-Up Ups + Bernie Sanders back across the field.

That was it. Had another round of 11’s I had to keep in the pocket as well as another Thang.

We headed back towards the Flags, but stopped at the wall for another round of Head Shoulders Knees Toes IC x 50.

All the way back to Flags for a few minutes Mary. Vertical Toe Touches IC x 15, Freddie Mercury’s IC x 15.

Recover Recover.

Circle of Trust

F3’s Mission: “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men in order to invigorate male community leadership. Emphasized that these workout mornings are only a piece of the whole F3 puzzle and encouraged all to take a look at places in their life where they can take more leadership, or carve out more support for those that may be leading an initiative. F3 Naperville has a strong reputation in the greater Naperville area but in a “what have you done for me lately” world, what have each of us done lately to help maintain and build that reputation?

SYITG. Love, Uncle Rico

Naked Man Moleskin

‘Bear Spray’ was named super quickly and probably left a few PAX more confused than anything. Sorry Wide Right, ‘Davey Crockett’ still awaits some unsuspecting outdoorsmen. ‘Bear Spray’ was leftover from a naming last week and YHC felt strongly about it. TURNS OUT – our new Bear Spray actually has a Bear Spray story that involves TSA, AAAAAAAND his home AO may end up being The Bear because he’s from Downers Grove. It was destiny. And fate. And serendipity. All rolled into one.

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