12/04/2020 - Virtuosity - Potpourri of Thangs

AO: Virtuosity

When: 12/04/2020


Number of Pax: 14

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Chun Li, Frogger, Mr. Hankey, Mudslide, Rand McNally, Shooter McGavin, Sonny Bono, Sparkles, Tiny Bubbles,

DR Names: Welcome Speech; Wall E

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brooks


This was my AOVQ and only my fourth time at Virtuosity. It is not the same as posting in-person, but not to say it is bad – just different. There are things you do in-person that you can’t do as well virtually, but there are things you can do virtually that you can’t do as well in person. This workout was designed with the strengths of virtuosity in mind but to be simple as to make it through an AOVQ…all right, the truth is it was simple because YHC brain doesn’t really start working until closer to 7 in the morning after my 8 yo son has pummeled me with a gladiator sword or whatever he is into at the time.


Hillbillies (in cadence, 15)

Abe Vigoda (in cadence, 15)

Chinooks (in cadence, 10 each direction)

Finkle swings (in cadence, 10 each leg)

The Thang

Thang 1: Tabata-ish

PAX do 45 seconds exercise, 15 seconds of rest

Using Powerpoint slide deck and its built in timer, setup 15 seconds rest slide (10 second timer), 5 second get ready slide (5 second timer) and exercise slide (45 second timer) for each of the following.

  1. Merkins
  2. Squats
  3. X Squats (touch ground at bottom, reach your arms to sky and get on toes at top)
  4. Diamond merkins
  5. Lunge
  6. Carolina dry docks
  7. Reverse lunge
  8. Coupon dips
  9. Mountain climbers
  10. Burpees

Thang 2: No man left behind

Coupon work with straight reps facing camera. When complete the prescribed reps, turn sideways (or hold block straight up for floor exercises) and continue the exercise until the 6 is in. Following were executed:

  1. Curls (50)
  2. Chest press (100)
  3. Overhead press (40)
  4. Skull Crushers (30)
  5. Overhead thrusts (40)

Thang 3 – 11’s

Each set adds up to 11. Instead of running between exercises, though, used 5 burpees. Note we didn’t finish this one as ran out of time

10 big boy sit-ups-5 burpees-1 reverse crunch-5 burpees

9 big boy sit-ups-5 burpees-2 reverse crunch-5 burpees

8 big boy sit-ups-5 burpees-3 reverse crunch-5 burpees

…. continue pattern until you complete 1 big boy sit-ups-5 burpees-9 reverse crunch

6 MoM

  1. Dead bug (in cadence, 10)
  2. Captain Thor (4 american hammers for each big boy situp)

Circle of Trust

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving I got a call from my sister and she was noticeably upset. My initial thought was something happened to my 82 year old mother, so I was surprised when she told me that our 27 year old niece Melissa had died in a fire at my brother’s house. This was especially hard to hear as Melissa was 9 months pregnant and scheduled to be induced on the Friday after Thanksgiving – less than two days later. At Moonlight’s good judgement, we drove the 1.25 hours to be by my brother Gus’s side as he stood across the street from his house as the fire was investigated and finally boarded up at 11 pm. Gus had been there since 5.

While there is definitely sadness here over this tragedy, I find myself going between this sadness and concern for my brother during this time. He went from anticipating the welcoming of a new grandson to preparing for the burial of his daughter and  grandson. Truly, a parent should never have to bury a child. On top of that, he lost his house and most of his possessions to a fire. Obviously, Melissa, Melissa’s mother and siblings are all on my mind and in my prayers, too, but it is what Gus did that surprised me.

Gus wrote a message on Facebook that was a blow-for-blow account of where he was and what happened when he got the call about the fire through the support he is currently receiving. It was a bit shocking to read for a a lot of reasons, but two really stand out. Reason 1 is my family, as my daughter affectionally calls it, tends to be emotionally constipated. Sharing emotion is not something we do a whole lot of nor well. Reason 2 is Gus’s ‘lesson learned’ was not what I expected. I will not summarize it but share the last part of Gus’s message, word-for-word, below.

“…Please do not miss that opportunity to celebrate a holiday with your family members, as you never know when it will be the last. With COVID, we are encouraged to forgo spending the holidays with our relatives. There are safe ways to do it, so please don’t miss that opportunity, as next year is not guaranteed. She missed coming home last Christmas for one reason or another as there is always next year. Unfortunately, that is not the case with us, as there will be no more holidays to share together. Please share the holidays with your family and hold them close, and don’t miss this chance, as when it is gone it is gone. I was so looking forward to meeting her newborn son and having a baby grandchild in my home again for the holidays. Goodbye Sweet Melissa, until we are together again.”

We closed CoT with prayers for Johnny who is battling COVID and Karen’s family as Karen passed away last Friday.

We finished with the last Serenity Prayer.

Naked Man Moleskin

Simple put, I was glad for the 14 PAX (actually 15 cause Tiny Bubble’s 2.0 Rocketman was able to join us) that were able to join this morning. We had a few HC’s that had to be pulled at the last minute (totally get it). The cool thing about virtuosity is seeing guys having seen for a while (Backdraft, Tiny Bubbles, Sonny Bono, etc.), new guys I haven’t posted with before or only posted with a few times (Ozark, Sparkler, Chun-li, etc.) and DR guys (Welcome Speech, Mudslide, etc.). I appreciate you all coming out this morning.

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