11/05/2021 - The Outpost - Poutine’s 3ytr F3 anniv Q
AO: The Outpost
When: 11/05/2021
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names: Bean Counter, Bob Ross, Elway, One Eye Willy, Poutine, Powderpuff, Snorkle, Tailspin, Ted Lasso, Toadstool, Tonka, Trailer Park, Twilight, Waterfall,
DR Names: na
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: na
QIC: Poutine
It’s POUTINEs 3 year anniversary Q
Very grateful for all that F3 has been for me, I would be the saddest of clowns today without it.
Please join me tomorrow as I reminisce and show the pax just how much I appreciate you!No coupons needed. We will cover some ground, but a full body beatdown is in store.
Gonna be a glorious day.
Hope to see you there.
HCs just here
Good mornings IC
Hillbillies IC
10 bonnie blairs x 2
SSH increase tempo IC to 30
Skystretch, calf raises
Hammy stretch
Quad stretch
The Thang
1 – Mosey long way around the AO w/stops
Stop ONE – 25/15/10 squat jumps
Stop TWO – 25/15/10 plank elbows to knees
Stop THREE – 10 merkins/sprint suicides, 3 levels (sprint out, mosey back, 10 merkins at each stop),
Mosey – End at the center ballfields pavilion
2 – Burpee handoff DORA
Partner up, P1 does….
100 plank bench raises
150 step ups
200 dips
P2 runs to the far west diamonds, where path ends and back.
5 burpees each partner at tag off.
ABs work at the Pavillion, til 558AM
ATMs – 15 shoulder taps IC, 10 tempo merkins, 10 fast merkins x 3
Mosey back to start, hold plank 1 minute
Circle of Trust
Couldn’t quite decide on my CoT, stumble on the below from 2 years ago, and very much still applicable so i regurgitated. 🙂
We come from all walks of life, age brackets, fitness back grounds (or lack thereof for some of us) but one thing I believe most of us have in common (outside of our crazy weird love of 430A alarm clocks), is we put our families first, and ourselves second (or 3rd, or 4th…) – it is what makes us who we are and the men we strive to be, it urges us on most days, and these days that’s more important than ever, but we have to take care of ourselves too. Like the announcement we get on airplanes, you must put the oxygen mask on first, then help others. If we break down, physically or mentally, we aren’t much good to anyone. I’ve heard this from others, and talk about it often myself, I’ve had more than a few physical reality checks since joining F3, some workout related injuries, and some when there is just shit wrong and more recently some mental battles as wellm all of which can have a tendency to linger. We need to try and prevent the surprises, take care of our whole selves as best we can, get to a doctor regularly, have that thing checked out you’ve been putting off, get a physical, do some stretching for once in your life! And if needed, talk to someone to help get your mind right; hired help, a friend, or maybe Bob Ross. Take care of yourself, you deserve it and your families need you too. I love coming out in the gloom and getting stronger with you, that won’t stop, but it has only increased my love of family and I want to able bodied and of right mind for as long as humanly possible. So my ask of you all is to go home and take at least one necessary step today to just that, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES MEN!
Naked Man Moleskin
My 3 yr Q was attended by great men, revered men, men who worked when i told them to work, never gave up. It was glorious. And there was some BD? group in the other lot, looking a little feeble, barely moving. lol
Good Bob Ross on your NYC Marathon journey!! WOOHOO