10/19/2021 - Dark Tower - PreBlast-DARK TOWER-AOVQ-BC

AO: Dark Tower

When: 10/19/2021


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Bush Push, Cable Guy, Dingo, Harbaugh, Limewire, Radio Flyer, Sam Walton, Smokey, Snowden, Stuffed Crust,

DR Names: Squawk Box and Squeeks are not in the PAX directory yet.

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Laimbeer


Come join YHC for his DT AOVQ. There are some good options out there for tomorrow. You have the options to run, skip, lift a little weight, possibly jazzercise? Who knows?I don’t know about all them…But, tomorrow at DT will be the last in the 3 part series of the shoulder/core burner. You won’t run, but I guarantee you won’t stop moving between WaR and Mary. I’ll also demo some shoulder stretches that hopefully will help keep you injury free and you can use at any post.The workout will take place at the turf field. We won’t meet at the usual spot so we can maximize WORK and minimize BS. Details to come in the thread.

:bricks: :heavy_check_mark:
:vest: if ya got it



Welcome/Disclaimer(still a bit nervous and fumbled through the disclaimer a bit.  I’ll get there).

  • Mosey around the Park District drive  to get the blood flowing.
  • SSH IC 30
  • Interior Shoulder Stretch demo’d OYO 30 each shoulder
  • Static Rotator Cuff Stretch demo’d OYO 10/30 each shoulder


  • Demo’d Thang 1 exercises under the lights.  Count off 1-4. Grab your coupon and kettlebells and mosey to Thang 1 on the turf…get busy with it.

The Thang


Seven of Diamonds-Focus on form.

  • Station 1-Overhead Press
  • Station 2-Kettlebell Iso Shoulder Press
  • Station 3-Blockees
  • Station 4-Bent over Coupon Rows
    • Rifle Carry between stations.  If you finish before your teammates, SSH.  If you arrive at a station prior to other team completing station, SSH until they are done.  They key is constant movement.


100 Yards and Crawlin’

  • Drop your coupon at the 50 yard line.  Cones are set up every 10 yards up to that 50 yard line.  PAX start at the back of the endzone.  Bear Crawl to a cone line, LBC’s IC 25, Bear Crawl to cone, Big Boy’s IC 25, Bear Crawl to cone, Superman’s Q count 30, Bear Crawl to cone, scissor kick IC 25, Bear Crawl to cone, American Hammers IC 25, Bear Crawl to cone, Pilates 100 IC, Rifle Carry 50 yards to goal line, J-Lo’s IC 25.

Mosey with  Coupons to Mary.


  • Interior Shoulder Stretches, OYO 30 each shoulder
  • Static Rotator Cuff Stretch OYO 10/30 each shoulder

Circle of Trust

“You are never given anything in this World that you can’t handle.”

I mentioned to PAX that you never really know by looking at a man what they are going through. In my time in Chicago, I’ve been through some stuff and had to deal with some trials and tribulations.  As a result, this statement struck me when I read it.

I told the PAX that the Lord, or whomever you look to as a higher being for guidance, never will give you anything that you cannot handle.

However, as men, we need to strengthen our minds and bodies to prepare for when we are presented with that challenge.  The men out here in the Gloom across Naperville are doing that today.  They are strengthening their bodies to be prepared.

We also prepare by participating in other areas, like the 3rd F and helping others and also seeking our own forms of worship that help strengthen our souls so we may be ready.  Finally, we participate in the 2nd F and the comradery to strengthen ourselves as men, also to keep us at the ready.

We as men of the Naperville F3, we must continue to train and prepare ourselves so we are ready, both mentally, spiritually, and physically when we are presented with what the World brings us.  We need to prepare, whether we are 1 week new to F3 or 2 years in, so when it is our time to face the fight, we don’t respond with mediocracy.  That we are  strong.  That we are ready.


We took a moment to pray for Squeeks wife who hurt her ankle stepping off a curb and is having surgery either Wednesday or Thursday (hopefully Squeeks locks that date down soon and shows up on the right day).  We also took time to pray for our brother CVS and his entire family and the anniversary of the loss of their child, Angel.  It is unfathomable to imagine such a loss.  Angel is in all our hearts, brother.  Amen.

As I said in my very first CoT, the saying is “free to all men”.  No where does it say anything about being open and welcoming.  I am humbly grateful for the warm welcome F3 Naperville has offered me since day 1.

Stronger Together!

Naked Man Moleskin

I’d like to thank Harbaugh for having my 6 big time on this one.  I was so busy with work on Monday morning that I completely forgot I had the DT Q on 10/19.  He hit me with a little message reminding me around 11 something.  Off to work I went prepping a pre-blast and stopping by the turf field to check it out.  Thanks, Harbaugh.

Thanks also to Bush Push for the assist on the early morning set up…after he had already EC’d our upcoming EC.  Wow that’s a lot, bro!

Props to Smokey for vesting up with me today and adding the extra weight.  Always good to suffer with someone else.

As in the past Q’s I told the PAX that we’d use WaR and a MoM for mostly stretching but I expected the time in between to be non-stop moving, a BD-lite.  I was hit with a resounding “Aye”.  Once again, the PAX did not disappoint.

3 months into this F3 thing I’ve noticed something at most posts…typically guys want to get at it.  But its up to the leadership of the Q.  If you bring it for 35-40 minutes, PAX will typically respond.  But, if you present a workout with dead space, PAX will chill.  That’s no PAX fault, they come to be worked out, not to be the Q.  Be the first Q, not the second…pedal to the medal from the moment you step out of the WaR circle.

Lead by example. It’ll bring the warriors back.


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