07/31/2020 - Virtuosity - Prison Cell Beatdown

AO: Virtuosity

When: 07/31/2020


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Buggs Bunny, Crab Legs, Happy Meal, Mr. Hankey, Singlet, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Lance Armstrong

QIC: Bean Counter



Can you get a solid beat down while getting down to the ground, staying in one spot, and not standing back up for 45 minutes? That was the challenge. I instructed PAX to find a nice spot in their garage/driveway, set up their devices in an area where we can see you on the ground, and log in by 5:15. The plan was to be here the entire time! :the_horns:Coupons required!


As promised, we immediately got down on our 6.

Seated Hamstring Stretch Hold L/R 10 Seconds Each

J-Lo’s IC x 10 Each Side

Knee Tucks IC x 10 (the part after the Merkin in a burpee)

Arm Circles x 10 Each Side

The Thang

3 Sets of 22’s (This was the plan anyways)

For each set, start exercise A at 20 reps, then do B, then C at 2 reps, then B, then A at 18 Reps, B, C x 4, etc until you finish A with 2 reps and C with 20 reps. A and B always equal 22.

Set 1:

A. LBC’s w/Coupon x 20

B. Mountain Climbers x 20

C. Tricep Extension x 2

Hold Superman Pose for 6

Set 2:

A. Coupon American Hammers x 20

B. Chest Press x 10 (Switched to 5 halfway through due to time)

C. Side to Side Jump Over Coupon x 2 (High Plank while you kick your legs side to side)

Shoulder Taps for the 6

Set 3:

Ended up changing below to 11’s due to time

A. Leg Kick Throughs x 10

B. Plank Jacks x 10

C. Pickle Pointers w/Coupon x 1

Heel touches for the 6.



Feet In Coupon

1 Big Boy, 2 Second Hold, 1 Big Boy, 4 second Hold… 12 Seconds

American Hammers – Slow IC x 16

Leg Lift x 15 Up 1, Slow down 2, 3, 4


Circle of Trust

My message was pretty simple and straight forward. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and do what you believe is right. After being super cautious for the last 5 months (wow!), I finally ventured out into the ‘wild’ yesterday and posted at a physical AO. It was great to get back out there and see the guys. I thought most did a great job with following the social distancing measures and just overall being safe. I believe I was one of maybe two or three PAX who chose to wear a mask. The night before and even the morning of I remember being nervous, even anxious, about getting out there, putting a mask on, and having people possible judge me one way or the other. The mask seems to be such a hot topic no a ways. (I don’t understand why…) Anyways I quickly realized that no one cares. No one seemed to judge. I served as a reminder of the awesome group of HIM that we have posting in F3 Naperville (and F3 Crossroads). We are here for support and have each other’s back.

I still have a little bit of nerves when it comes to my plans tonight. I am playing my first rec co-ed softball game of the season. Again, I plan on wearing my mask. I do not have as much confidence in the group of people I will be around tonight compared to the men of F3 (haha!). So we will see how that goes. Same for whenever my flag football league starts up again.

Just a reminder that everyone does things differently and reacts in their own ways. The best we can do for each other is to withhold judgement. The best that you can do for yourself is to remember that you do not answer to anyone but the SkyQ and yourself.

We closed in a prayer. Lifting up support for TPS Reports grandmother who is in a facility that has recently been affected by COVID-19. Major shout out to her as she is 92 years old and has figured out how to navigate a computer to log certain daily entries to assist the staff in providing her care. While the current support there may be minimal, the TAP’s can hopefully go a long way.

Naked Man Moleskin

About a week ago the idea came to me if we could get a solid beat down in without actually standing up. I would like to think PAX were left satisfied with the burn. I was a little hesitant after Monday and Wednesday’s workouts in which we did not do a ton of running. Maybe PAX were craving getting some steps in? I ultimately decided I would still make them work, just on the ground.

This was a fun one. Technically my 10th Q (3rd in July) and 113th Post. At least according to my records. Apparently some of the virtual stuff didn’t count in March, April, and part of May. Again…who do we really answer to…?

(My official #’s are 2 Q’s and 79 posts)

Till next time!

P.S. TPS Report my arms are still dying from Wednesday’s Gun Day.

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