01/06/2020 - The Outpost - Random Numbers Across Time

AO: The Outpost

When: 01/06/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Blart, Crab Legs, Crop Duster, HH Gregg, Ken Doll, Quarter Cart, Shandy, Skynet, Snorkle, Trailer Park,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report


12 PAX destined for the Mathematics Hall of Fame took to the OP parking lot in the gloom. Trumpets blared in the background as these warriors stepped (or stumbled) onto the black asphalt and prepared to count in earnest and decipher the meaning of two numbers: 47 & 172.


Blart, Shandy, Bean Counter, HH Gregg, Ken Doll, Crop Duster, Crab Legs, Snorkle, Quarter Cart, Trailer Park, & Skynet joined YHC to decipher the puzzle that has stumped mathematicians for centuries.


SSH to start us off. Did 20. Does this tie into the numbers some how?

Ran a mosey lap? Was the distance precisely calculate to correlate with the numbers?

Good mornings for a little stretch.

Did 10 arm circles forward and backward. Another exercise with 20 reps. where’s Pi when you need him?

15 imperial walkers. The mystery deepens.


Looks of concern crossed the face of Shandy and Cropduster as they began to compute the variables in their brain buckets. Blart just got excited at all the reps.


The Thang

Thang 1: 11’s. One side was manmakers, then run the length of the lot (100m) and perform the perfect jelly to that peanut butter – burpees.


Halfway through it was clear there were computational errors occuring. Even Bean Counter was kept quiet due to the complexity of the calculations. What was with 172 and 47? Were they hidden in the 11s?


Thang 2:

172 LBCs

47 Big Boys

47 Squats

47 Merkins


Now the numbers weren’t hiding. Clearly infuriated, Ken Doll screamed to the heavens “WTH do these numbers mean??!!”. Quarter Cart tried to hide tears of frustration while Trailer Park mumbled something about cruise ships and alcohol. HH Gregg and Snorkle kept their heads down, clearly attempting to solve & surprise us all with the answer.


Crab Legs seem bewildered at all the commotion and tried to calm the situation down by gently explaining, with a soft touch to Crop Duster’s shoulder, “There, there, it’s going to be ok. It’s just a bunch of random numbers.” Clearly overwhelmed by the display of sensitivity Shandy decided to run an extra 200m for the fun of it.


The world had dissolved into madness. Then we went into Mary.


25 Flutter Kicks

15 E2K on each side

20 Jlo’s each leg


Once we hit recovery it was clear no one had solved the mystery. PAX seemed to have resolved themselves to simply admitting defeat and concluding the Monday back from holiday vacation was best served with a super duper incredibly awesome calorie torching OP extravaganza.

Circle of Trust

Announcements (check the slack yo. YHC missed this part when running to the truck to grab the cell phone)

Prayers for Jody (Ken Doll SIL), Wet Wipes FIL, and Rusty’s BIL.

Naked Man Moleskin

I was listening to a podcast of the phenomena of time moving “quicker” when you get older yesterday. Between ages 5 and 10, you’re literally experiencing half your life in that 5 year span. But when you’re 50, that’s only 1/10th of your life – thus that 5 years goes back WAY quicker than before.

This definition strikes me. I reflect on the “time” we have to make a difference here on this side of heaven. I think on all the “things” we have to do, want to do, probably should do, and rather not do. That’s a lot of doing that makes for little rest. Combined with that feeling that time is moving faster, it add ups to making us feel like we never have time, nor can we rest.

Today – walk away knowing THAT IS A LIE. Remember when we said we didn’t have time to exercise? The fact that you are here, in the gloom, day after day, at 5:15AM in the freaking morning means you’ve done the impossible – YOU’VE MADE TIME.

If you can make time to exercise, you can make time to rest. This begs the question – how do we slow down, how do we replicate this time we’ve made?

Simple. Jesus said in his own words “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. TPS Report

    And in case you’re wondering.. those numbers? Yeah – 172 posts and 47 Q’s by YHC.

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