12/18/2020 - The Complex - Ruck Club – The unexpected benefits of F3!



Friday Ruck Club at the Complex!!!  We will keep it simple…Sack+weight+mumble chatter+a little treat at the end.  While I love creative ruck coupon challenges, they have their time and place, and this aint it.  If you are looking for added challenge, ( that will be Saturday at OP 7am – 1 year Maniversary, AOVQ,- shameless plug!!), this will be a good time to try adding an extra plate or two, we will be covering mostly flat terrain (path and field) with a few deep movement/stretch active repair stops along the way. Tracking devices and electronics welcome.  Come out and join us to stretch the legs, lungs, and life of F3. 


Warms ups were OYO before 5:15am, we hit the trail after quick PAX count (33) and first 1/2 mile before our first stretch break served as warm-up.

The Thang

Pax were led on a brisk ruck in a seemingly unsystematic pattern around the grounds of The Complex.  We stopped at 4 points that I predetermined with lighted cones.  We did either slow deep lunges, ninja side squats, crossed leg toe touches, or slow (3 count) deep squat stretch.  Ended perfectly at 6am back in parking lot.  If a PAX GPS’ed the ruck, an aerial view uncovered the true route outlined the F3 logo with a circle around it.  2.25 miles

Circle of Trust


Not sure about you guys, but I usually find myself noticing I got something out of each post that I did not expect, some little nugget that made me , swell with pride, shrink with humility,  assess some disappointment and set a new goal, or maybe just smirk to myself and realize, “that was kinda cool, lets do that again.  

Maybe it was a surprise I could finish that last set, surprise I could NOT finish even the 3rd set, had a little more gas in tank to push it at the end, maybe it was seeing inspiration from another PAX punching past his limits, advice on avoiding injury or tending to one, home repair, latest medical findings, gear suggestions, beer suggestions, realizing you have known a guy now for a year, hung out with him 3-5 times a week and still don’t know what his real name is or what he does for a living, and that is just fine with you.  Sometimes you show up looking for a break, or a burner, or maybe it’s just the small grin as you pull out of the parking lot that you just did a good thing.  I hope today provided each of you with something like that, but if it did not, I’ll throw one  more parlor trick at you, take an aerial view of  your GPS route from this morning and maybe that will make you grin.  

Lets pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for all that we have, our security, our sanctity, the opportunity of F3, these men here this morning, the many things I mentioned and the 100’s of others great things these men can add to the list.  Please help us to share these gifts with our families and friends by the way we live our lives as examples, not as perfect beings for sure, but as simple men , simply trying to be the best we can be.  Help us reach out to that person and invite them to share this amazing experience.  Help us to be patient but persistent with them and please help them answer the call.  Thank you for everything, because it is YOU that allows us to experience everything that we do. 

Naked Man Moleskin

Great to have you all out!  Now go invite (EH) someone else that needs this!!

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