07/08/2020 - Iron Lion - Ruck Yeah!

AO: Iron Lion

When: 07/08/2020


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names: Blueprints, Centerfold, Cobra Kai (Giggles 2.0), Face Plant, Flush, Giggles, Goldberg, hot box, Huxtable, Mr. Burns, Radio Flyer, Ronda Rousey, Sparky, Super 8, Townie, Webelos, Wine in a Box,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Flush


Circle Up

-Disclaimer: F3 is a FREE men’s workout peer-led in a rotating fashion, held 6 days a week at different locations, rain or shine. I am not a professional. I am not aware of any injuries you may have – MODIFY as necessary. You are here of your own free will. We always end in a circle of trust. The creedo of F3 is, “Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found him.”


Warm-A-Rama / Stretch-A-Rama

—Rucks On and Mosey over to the Octagon—

The Thang

Thang 1 – Ruck PT 101


Ruck Merkins x10 OYO

Ruck Mountain Climbers x20 IC

Ruck Get Down, Get Up x30 OYO

Recovery 10 Count

Ruck Squats x40 OYO

Recovery 10 Count

Ruck Lunges x50 (each leg is 1) OYO

Recovery 10 Count


Thang 2 – Ruck that hill!

Partner up.

1 Team of 2 with rucks carries the 120 lb. sandbag up to the top of the hill, each PAX performs 20 Ruck Merkins, and then carries the 120 lb. back to the bottom for another team to take over. We only had enough time to allow for one carry per team, but everyone got the idea.

Everyone else keeps doing the following until every team has had a turn moving the 120 lb. sandbag up or down the hill:

—Rucks Off—

Plank Pull Throughs x10

Suitcase Carry w/ Ruck Mosey up the hill 

At the top of the hill, Flutter Kicks with Ruck overhead IC x10

Suitcase Carry w/ Ruck Mosey down the hill (switched sides from trip up)

Rinse and repeat until everyone has had a turn with the 120 lb. sandbag.


Thang 3 – Ruck 0.5 Mile with Sandbag Coupons as a group

Entire PAX must ruck in formation (2 lines, but spaced out further than normal) with sandbag coupons (1x 20 lb., 3x 40 lb.; 1x 60 lb., 1×80 lb., 2 Kettlebells (#10 lb., #20 lb.), and Oak post)

Timehack Completion – all coupons must leave Startex with the group and return to Endex with the group over the 0.5 mile distance and be completed in under 10 minutes. Failure to complete Timehack will result in penalty Ruck Merkins. PAX completed goal in 9:30.



Plank-of-Fire – almost made it all the way around – 16 PAX completed their turns.


Circle of Trust

Prayers for Scott and Laura that need healing.

Naked Man Moleskin

I explained to the PAX how rucking over the last year has taught me that there’s always more that my body can do – that carrying the extra weight has opened my eyes to what’s possible with your muscles with that extra weight. The experience of your first ruck merkin, trying all these exercises that we’re used to doing without a ruck and then doing them with a ruck or vest. Add some weight and explore what’s really possible. Don’t just accept the level of fitness that you’ve gotten to now…don’t settle.

End with prayer and pic in front of the flags.

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