02/07/2023 - The Outpost - Sandbag at LOP

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/07/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bean Counter


I plan on getting a little workout in at 0615 at the Outpost tomorrow. If you wanna stick around after Donkey’s RC or venture over from another AO, that’s cool. Maybe sleep in an extra hour? That works too. Otherwise, I will be there doing my Thang. See you then! :the_horns:

Make the quick trip from Two Wolves to LOP with a couple of minutes to spare. Queued up the music and went through the opening statements. Let’s get warm.


Motivators x 5

Tappy Taps IC x 10

Tempo Squat IC x 10

Grady Corns IC x 15

Reverse Motivators x 5 (mental exercise…)

The Thang

Thang 1 – Bag on the Move

The PAX stared a mosey towards the main OP Loop. I started with the 60lb sandbag while the other PAX allowed me to keep the pace. Handed off the bag to HH Gregg. Got about 1/3 of the way through the loop where all PAX stopped for:

Round 1 – Squats. PAX took turns with the sandbag doing 15 deep squats. PAX without the bag did air squats. 5 PAX = 5 rounds. 1 with the bag, 4 without (60 Squats)

Continue mosey. This time Toto took the bag. Handed off to Chaps who took us to the 2/3 point of the loop where we stopped for:

Round 2 – Bent Over Row. PAX took turns with the sandbag doing 10 Bent Over Rows. PAX without the bag did Carolina Dry Docks. 5 PAX = 5 Rounds. 1 with bag, 4 without (40 Dry Docks).

Continue mosey. Dilbert took the bag here. Handed it back off to me. I handed off to HH Greg. Made another stop for:

Round 3 – Thrusters. PAX took turns with the sandbag doing 5 Thrusters. PAX without the bag did Burpees. 5 PAX = 5 Rounds. 1 with bag, 4 without (20 Burpees).

Completed mosey back to flags with Toto taking the bag then handing off to Chaps for the final leg. I apologize to Dilbert for getting his last turn in the rotation. He may or may not ever let me live that down.

Thang 2 – Chest and Chest

50 Chest Press, on my up, run to East side of the main lot.

40 Merkins OYO, run back to coupons.

30 Chest Press, on Chaps up (he took the bag here), run to East side of the main lot.

20 Merkins, on my down. Run back to coupons.

10 Chest Press, on Toto’s up (he took the bag here, HHGregg took Chaps big boy).

Awesome to see guys want to push themselves! This was a good burn.

Thang 3 – Dead

PAX rotated doing 3 Clean and Press. FORM!

When not doing Clean and Press, do an AMRAP of 15 Curls and 15 Tri Extensions.


Coupon Overhead Flutter Kicks IC x 15

Coupon Big Boys on my Up x 10

Heel Touches IC x 10

Elbow to Knee, both sides, x 10

Recover, recover!

Circle of Trust

Count – 5

Announcements – Thanks Chaps!

Name-o-Rama – HH Greg, Toto, Dilbert, Chaps, Bean Counter


I reflected on this ‘weird’ emotion I get after a big event has completed in my life. I hate to use the word depression, but it is definitely a sadness. I have started doing some research on this and apparently it is really a thing. (Post Event Blues?). Anyways, the point of my COT was that I got hit hard with it this past Saturday after taking my boys to Disney on Ice. Normally I can mentally prepare myself for this feeling but this one REALLY caught me off guard. And it bothered me. Why didn’t I see it coming? Why did this happen? I finally, after much over analyzing, realized that this was a ‘first’ for our family. A first for my boys. There will never be another first time taking them to see Disney on Ice. And there may not ever be another time that I take them and they enjoy it as much as they did. They really were the perfect age for this event. Anyways… the point of my CoT was recognize some of these ‘firsts’ that we get to experience and make sure you appreciate them and are fully present. You only get ‘one’ first!

Naked Man Moleskin

It felt good to get that off my chest today. Both the CoT and the sandbag during the chest presses! First double tap today in 2023. Work got crazy and I haven’t been able to make it out to LOP since the last week of December. I love the group here and glad the guys were able to make it and support each other and myself through this beatdown.

Honored as always – BC

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