03/08/2023 - The Outpost - Sandbag O Rama at the OG Outpost

AO: The Outpost

When: 03/08/2023


Number of Pax: 17

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Wine in A Box


Been awhile since Ive been to the outpost. Ever since early Outpost was sunsetted I havent made enough of an effort to get back. So lets change that . . .

Good weather . .. slight annoying breeze, but we will be warmed up soon enough.

Got there early to set up cones and unload the car.


The usual

The Thang

Everyone line up by weight . . . lightest on one side, heaviest on the other. You have 10 seconds.

  • Fail. 5 penalty burpees.
  • Completed on the second try
  • Partner up . . . starting with the lightest guy paired with the heaviest guy.
  • I was odd man out as the Q since numbers were not even.

Thang One

  • Mosey to football field. Each team has one sandbag and one rope.
  • Line up. One partner stretches out the rope, then does hand over hand sandbag drags. Other partner runs to the end and back (40 yards) then switch. Its a reverse ladder, with the distance you run getting shorter and shorter each time.
  • Complete this 4 times. (get the heart rate up before we lift heavy)
  • Mosey back to the pavilion and bring all the sandbags and coupons.


  • One partner completes the following exercise, while the other partner stays in a static hold. After 3 sets, switch exercises.
  • One partner sits on the bench and does 10 single arm coupon shoulder press, 10 each arm. Then hold in John Cusack while the other partner does the other part. Total of 3 sets.
  • Second partner completes a sandbag power clean. This static exercise is a plank. Total of 3 sets then switch

Multiple rings of fire . .  all with sandbags.

1.) 3  upright rows, counting to 3. everyone else does 3 shrugs at the same time.

2.) 3 bent over rows, counting to three. Everyone else does a “scapula row.” Holding arms straight, just squeeze your shoulderblades back, while imagining you are trapping a tennis ball between them.

3.) 3 squats, everyone else does sandbag calf raises.


Partners on their 6, feet close together. Sandbag over both PAX feet. One Pax does a big boy with a coupon, then hands it to their partner, who then completes a weighted big boy.

Goal was 80  . . . cut back to 60 total.

Same position . . . but put the coupon down. Complete 5 “punch ups” (a big boy, then stretch across your body to punch your partners hands) then switch.

Do these until 6AM

Circle of Trust

CoT is based on a quote from Buddha.

“In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength, but through persistence.”

So in other words . . . dont give up. Its not always about who is the strongest, biggest or fastest in F3. Its about not giving up. Its about showing up, and giving it your all for 45 minutes. Thanks to the sandbag blowout sale, we all have the opportunity to push ourselves a little bit more with added weight. Over time your body gets used a certain weight, and wont accelerate any more. Dont shy away from this! Its an opportunity to prove your persistence and refusing to give up.


Naked Man Moleskin

Random musings from this morning

  • A lot of PAX I havent posted with before . . . which was a lot of fun. Not enough mumblechatter though.
  • One Eyed Willie started chirping . . . but fell silent after awhile. Hmmm 😉
  • Chaps, they are called “power cleans” not “curls to squats” jeez read a book . . .
  • Bronco and Donkey. You beasts were doing extra heavy large bags. You are both better men than I.
  • Crop Duster, sorry you didnt get enough video because I kept us moving.
  • Bean counter I wasnt sure if you were coming to post or traverse Antarctica with that outfit this morning. Holy moley you must have been warm!
  • Ryobi came early and did a solo EC run. Beastly.
  • Fargo likes a LOT of tagging in posts. In fact, feel free to tag him in as many as possible.
  • Snoop and Fargo were my “demonstration models” and did a fantastic job.
  • Pothole, Rhinestone, Tom Bodett, Quarter cart, Barf Bag . . . why so quiet? 🙂
  • Donkey is as strong as a donkey.
  • Bronco was doing all this with a 110 pound bag. Most of the bags were 60-70 pounds.
  • Mellencamp keeps calling “dibs” on my mudgear bag. Cmon Camp . . . . buy a bag! 🙂
  • Crop duster stood in for Uncle “bad knee” Rico. Expertly handled site Q work, including the artistic angles for the picture.


  • I sometimes take for granted that people know what certain exercises are, and forget that some take additional practice to execute. The Power Cleans are a perfect example of a compound muscle exercise that a lot of PAX havent done before, so I spent a bunch of time helping others with form during that evolution. (Called Power cleans Chaps . . . not “curls to squats”)
  • REMEDY. Spend more time on the demonstration and have everyone execute a few reps to get the right form and feel before proceeding.

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