03/17/2020 - The Citadel - SHAMROCK SMACKDOWN

AO: The Citadel

When: 03/17/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Carmen SanDiego, Elway, Fargo, Flo, Lewinsky, Party Boy, Small Cakes, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Handy Manny


Preblast created and sent out:


@channel  Start your Tuesday morning off at THE CITADEL with a Green Isle Shamrock Smackdown.  Come get faster, get stronger, get better.  Come Get Some!  Coupons required.  HC below.

I had a St. Patrick’s Day workout theme planned for today and was ready to take on the morning.  I checked the HC’s around 8pm and it looked like it was going to be 3 of us, but within the hour we had more HC’s flowing in and we expected 9 come morning.  As I went to bed around 10:30, I remembered I forgot to queue up a St. Patrick’s Day playlist for the workout.  I decided to pull one together quick before going to bed.

Morning arrived and I showed up early to The Citadel to get things set up.  I marked out positions 1-10 along the edge of the lot that provided a good distance between PAX to be in accordance with the CDC 6 foot recommendation.  I then laid out the SHAMROCK smackdown in chalk and headed back to the car and awaited the arrival of the PAX.  As 5:15 hit I kicked it off.

Welcome Offered

Disclaimer Provided


Warm-up (IC)

  1. SSH (30)
  2. Abe Vigodas (20)
  3. Goofballs (20)
  4. We’re Not Worthy (15)
  5. Arm Circles (10/10)
  6. Imperial Walkers (15)

The Thang

Grab Coupons and Mosey to the Church Parking Lot and Lineup on a number on the ground and perform the following exercises OYO.  After each exercise, run a lap around church parking lot.

Thang 1:  S-H-A-M-R-O-C-K 

  1. Smurf Jacks (77)
  2. Hand Release Merkins (77)
  3. Apple Turnover (Bear Crawl half way across lot and flip to Crab Walk.  Repeat on way back) 
  4. Monkey Humpers (77)
  5. Reverse Crunch (77)
  6. OH Press (77)
  7. Curls (77)
  8. Knerkin (77)

Mary (IC)

  1. Pilates 100 (20)
  2. Box Cutters (15)
  3. Flutter Kicks (20)
  4. Windshield Wipers (10)

Circle of Trust

  1. CoR
  2. Announcements
  3. NoR
  4. Prayer Requests
  5. Prayer

Thanks for the opportunity to lead you this morning and for all those that came out to support me and each other here today.  Being St. Patrick’s Day, thought to keep it simple and say an Irish Prayer. 

Irish Prayer

May the road rise to meet you, 

may the wind be ever at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

and the rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand.

Prayers were said

Naked Man Moleskin

Everyone pushed hard today and most completed the SHAMROCK Smackdown.  We did not get to my Thang 2 that was planned which was a LUCKY theme.  I will have to bring that out at a future Q.

As always, it was a pleasure leading the PAX that came out.  Keep pushing men, summer will be here before you know it.

Handy Manny

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