02/07/2020 - The Outpost - Snorkle Birthday Bash

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/07/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Blart, Brooks, Crop Duster, Elway, Hamburgler, HH Gregg, Rhinestone,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Snorkle


Enter at own risk


Victory Lap
Football folly
Arm circles

The Thang


Corner 1 burpees
Corner 2 blocked, thrusters, arm curls, overheads
Corner 3 merkens, bobby hurries, plank Jack’s, high knees

Cadence corner 1- corner 2 – corner 3
1. 6 -20-20
2. 12- 20/20 – 20/20
3. 18 – 20/20/20 – 20/20/20
4. 24 – 20/20/20/20 – 20/20/20/20
5. 46 – 46 – 46

Flutter 46

Circle of Trust


In competition and growing up we can develop a sense or idea of fairness that is flawed. Fairness is not freedom from adversity, heartache or loss. In fact it is the opposite. Fairness is the guarantee that in those regards, there is no respect of persons. All are subject to the good as well as the bad. The sun shines and the rain falls on all. But in fact, it’s not fairness, equality or the lack thereof that determines the outcome of our circumstances. It’s our decision to persevere, to believe, to innovate and to be determined not to give up. In John 10:10 Jesus reminds us that the thief comes only to steal kill and destroy but he (Jesus) came to give life and that more abundantly. At another time he was asked concerning a blind man if the sin of the man or his parents were to blame for his blindness to which Jesus answered “Niether, but that God might be glorified, he spit on the ground, rubbed the mud in his eyes, and healed him”. Dont focus on the negative in your life. Look only to the Father above that he might be glorified in your life. Expect your miracle today. Gods favor be upon each one of you. Amen.


Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks for coming out for my Birthday bash and to Hamburgers for a large Starbucks coffee.   Made my day.

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