03/27/2020 - Virtuosity - Tempo reps forever

AO: Virtuosity

When: 03/27/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Blues Clues, Brick, Fargo, Mr. Hankey, Nala, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala


Well – virtual Q. I put some thought into something that would really kick someone in the tail that they could do on their own.


OK – so first things first – get some music (no, it’s not required, but it will help). And get something with a decent beat that you can tap your foot along to – that will keep you honest. Once we get through the warm up, it will all make sense.


High knees slow for about 30 seconds
25 high knees in cadence
25 SSH in cadence
15 Tappy Taps
15 Arm circles forward
15 Arm Circles backward

The Thang

Here is where the music comes in – we will be doing “tempo” work to the beat of the music, alternating the tempo of the lifts – do not pause between sets, just keep flowing from one to the next. There is recovery time built in, the idea is to reach fatigue. If you can’t do any more with good form, move on to the next set of exercises. If you don’t have music, that’s OK, you can count a cadence too, each count would be a beat – you may have done this with me at some point.


Thang 1 – Gun polishing

15 curls up for 2 beats, down for 2 beats
15 curls up for 3 beats, down for 1 beat
15 curls up for 1 beat, down for 3 beats

Recover 15 seconds, then repeat.
After the repeat, add 15 bottom half curls in cadence to the beat of the music (so 60 bottom half pulses)

Skull Crushers – lay down to isolate the triceps rather than doing overhead extensions, start with arms extended straight up.
15 skull crushers, down for 2 beats, up for 2 beats
15 skull crushers, down for 3 beats, up for 1 beat
15 skull crushers, down for 1 beat, up for 3 beats

Recover 15 seconds, then repeat
After the repeat, add 15 bottom half skull crushers (don’t smash your face!) in cadence to the beat (so 60 bottom halves)

Thang 2 – Torch the legs

Bulgarian squats – so, use the coupon by standing it on end. Get in a lunge position, with back toe on top of coupon. This will isolate the front leg, back leg just helps with balance.
5 squats down for 2 beats, up for two beats.
5 squats down for 3 up for 1
5 squats down for 1 up for 3
5 bottom halves, in cadence (so 20 bottom halves)
Switch legs and repeat

Coupon Squats (let’s do legs wider than shoulder width). Hold the coupon comfortably, may not be “goblet” position.

15 squats down for 2 beats, up for 2 beats
15 squats down for 3 beats, up for 1 beat
15 squats down for 1 beat up for 3 beats

Recover 15 seconds and repeat
after the repeat add 15 in cadence (so 60) bottom half squat pulses to the beat of your music.

Thang 3 – shoulders, back and chest

Bent over rows (modify if necessary for your back!)
15 rows up for 2, down for 2
15 rows up for 3, down for 1
15 rows up for 1, down for 3

Recover 15 seconds and repeat (no pulses here)

Upright rows
15 rows up for 2, down for 2
15 rows up for 3, down for 1
15 rows up for 1, down for 3

Recover 15 seconds and repeat (no pulses here)

Overhead press
5 presses, up for 2 down for 2
5 presses, up for 3 down for 1
5 presses, up for 1 down for 3

Recover 15 seconds and repeat (no pulses here)

10 Merkins down for 2 up for 2
10 Merkins down for 3 up for 1
10 Merkins down for 1 up for 3.

Recover 15 seconds and don’t repeat.

15 coupon chest press (start with arms extended) Down for 2 up for 2
15 chest press down for 3 up for 1
15 chest press down for 1 up for 3
15 in cadence bottom halves (60 bottom halves)

Mary – keep the music pumping!
Standard crunch – legs bent, feet down, not a big boy, but a crunch
15 crunches, up for 2 down for 2
15 crunches, up for 3 down for 1
15 crunches, up for 1 down for 3
15 crunches to the beat (up and down for 1)

Rinse and repeat 2 x, only first repeat, lay legs down to the left side (work right obliques), second repeat, lay legs down to left side (work left obliques)

Flip to George Hood position (low plank) and hold until 6.

Circle of Trust

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” – Fred Rogers

One thing that is great about F3 is the open and honest communication that we have. There is no judgement. Of course, this starts with the first F, there is no judgement in our fitness. In fact, we leave no one behind, and we encourage those to continue to push through their challenges and overcome them. This is also true with the relationships we build with each other. Men often find that discussing feelings or inadequacies or faults and failures is impossible. Men are afraid of showing anything besides a strong front. We are trained to not be emotional, to be the buoy in a rough sea, juggling the challenges of family, job or our own demons. We are not allowed to express these emotions. F3 is an opportunity to be real, without fear of judgement. We all have our things, some are bigger than others, but regardless of what your thing is – you are not alone in this journey. Even if you are lonely with your family, or with others in your job. Here, when you are your F3 persona, you can leave that lonely person behind. You are our brother, and we are here to carry you.

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close

Father God,

Thank you for this brotherhood – and this fellowship that we have with each other. Especially now, when so many things seem upside down, thank you for the friendships that you have helped us form in the gloom. Grant us the ability to continue to break down walls with each other, and the wisdom to know when it is right to push. Grant each of us the courage to share openly and honestly, and of course, thank you for the gift of your Son, which you have given us to cover the gap between our own inadequacies and your perfect world you created.


Naked Man Moleskin

Miss seeing the boys in the gloom, but it sure is encouraging that we are all still making an effort to get after it, be social, and continue to get better every day.

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