07/21/2021 - The Outpost - The Bridge is Lava!

AO: The Outpost

When: 07/21/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Blueprints, Columbus, Crop Duster, Danica, Ken Doll, Lady Bugs, Sam Walton, Snoop-A-Loop, Snots, Timber, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Section 8

QIC: Sam Walton


Come out to Outpost for my AOVQ! We will be moving around and exploring, lifting some stuff, and maybe even trying some new stuff on a bridge!


Motivators from 5

Tappy Taps

Good Mornings

The Thang

Partnered up and did coupon farmer carries along the trail towards the Rt 59 bridge. One partner carried while the other one did high knees/butt kicks.

Made stops along the way to do exercises including Bonnie Blair’s, SSH, and pull ups on the foul poles of the baseball field.

Got to the bridge where we played “The Bridge is Lava!” PAX could not touch the ground of the bridge unless YHC allowed. Penalty for touching the ground was 5 burpees. Did various moves along the different railings/fences of the bridge.

Silver: Sideways shuffle with feet on fence and hands over railing.
Bronze: mountain climbers shuffle up 5-tier railing
Bridge: dip shuffle along single rail
Bronze: ladder climb shuffle
Silver: erkins shuffle, only tip toes can touch ground
Bronze: derkins shuffle, only palms of hand can touch the ground
Partnered up and farmer carried back to the flags. Stopped along the way for more foul pull ups. A few PAX even climbed the tall pole to do pull ups up high!

Circle of Trust

We all deal with stress, anxiety, and other emotions that come from all we do with work, family, and staying in shape. I recently saw a quote that said “This is your daily reminder that no one is thinking what you think they are thinking about you.” I think it can apply to all of us differently so just want to leave that for you to reflect on.

Naked Man Moleskin

Had a lot of fun with this workout and thinking about how I can make it better for the future! Hope everyone else had a good time too.

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