09/24/2020 - The Citadel - The Chase

AO: The Citadel

When: 09/24/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: Blow Dry, Captain Underpants, Cataracts, Fargo, Flo, Handy Manny, Milton, Motown, Nala, Party Boy, Pork Rinds, Puddles, Small Cakes, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Parks and Rec


Signed up to Q the Citadel months ago, I think, who knows, maybe it was only a couple of weeks ago? I’ve been hitting up run clubs for a couple of months now. The main reason for this is to improve my pace. I want to be faster. I also want a break from bootcamps. If I’m going to attend these things then I need to lead some now and then. I honestly don’t know much about running. I’ve been trying to learn from others. Today’s run club is the second I have lead.

Leading up to this week I kept putting off the plan for the Q. Suicides, straight run, weighted vests, or circle the lot? Muggsy helped me finalize the plan by letting me know where he was going to take the Black Diamond crew. We will stay of the east side of Eola. Took a look at the aerial and chatted with Nala a bit to put the finishing touches on the plan.

Went to bed a decent time, but seemed to wake up out of deep sleep about 3:30. It was like I woke up from a dream, but I do not recall any dream. May of nodded off a bit to get a little more sleep. Rolled up the AO and Handy Manny was just pulling in. Flo was already stretching. A little more banter, a few more PAX showed up and it was time for the disclaimer.


Tappy Taps

Abe Vigodas

Goof Balls

Side Straddle Hops

Lap around the small lot (butt kickers, high knees, reverse and regular)

Puddles, Tonka came in hot and Motown came in Super Hot, like just in time for Thang 1.

The Thang

Thang 1:

Indian Run (two lines) to the east side of the bridge over Eola.

Thang 2:

Three legs of three different lengths. Run to the end of each route and return to the starting point.

  1. From east side of Eola bridge, hang a left, over the bridge, hang a right and out to McCoy (return to start)
  2. From east side of Eola bridge, hang a left, over the bridge and out to S. Oakhurst Drive (return to start)
  3. From east side of Eola bridge out to the tree where the paths diverge (return to start)

Thang 3:

Run back to the parking lot and then AYG to the flags.

Total mileage if you did everything was about 4 miles +/-


Bruce Lee Colonoscopy (for Toady)


Smallcakes handed out some raffle tickets to the PAX and there were 6 winners (maybe 7) of a dozen cupcakes.



Circle of Trust

We thanked God for this beautiful morning and the amazing men around us. We asked for prayers for Cataracts’ MIL Georgia, who will be undergoing treatment soon. We asked for prayers for Mr. Miyagi’s health and for all of the unspoken prayers we hold in our hearts. Amen.

Naked Man Moleskin

Two years ago today I rolled up to the Citadel with my good friend Mrs. Doubtfire. I really had no idea what I was in for or where it might lead. I frequented the gym a few days a week and thought I’d give this a shot, but figured I’d be back in the regular gym routine soon.
Yesterday I took a look at the Instagram group photo from that day and saw some familiar faces. Bob Ross, Urkel, Flo, Handy Manny, Tiny Bubbles, Crambone, Cataracts, Appletini, Sweet Gherkins, Green Acres and a few others. I’m pretty sure that was the first time I’ve ever seen that photo. I really never used Instagram before F3.
Over the course of the last two years, all of these guys have made an impression on me in way or another. So many great leaders. Mrs. Doubtfire, launching F3 Dortmund in Germany, Bob Ross, the heart and soul, father to many men in F3 Naperville. Urkel, the guy that comes up with crazy workouts that involve tables and cars. The biblical beatdowns by Tiny Bubbles, Crambone’s commitment to doing everything together and using a jump rope, Flo, the guy who at the time, Q’d all of the AO’s six days in row. Handy Manny’s durability and his “fun” and tough workouts. Sweet Gherkins’ quiet, but strong leadership. Cataracts’ commitment to getting better.
Today I look around and there are even more amazing people around me. Guys like the the men of F3 Crossroads, spreading the amazing experience we have with other men. Wedding Planner, Boxcutter and Blow Dry, Sosa’s desire to post 100 times in a row from the first day he started. New guys stepping up and leading. It’s truly inspiring. Do you ever hit pause and think about how lucky we are that we found F3? I know that if I didn’t find it, I’d probably be stuck in the gym doing the same things over and over, riding that elliptical and thinking that I was “working out.” No drive to improve as a father, a husband, a community leader or coworker. No talking to other men about leadership and probably no commitment to helping others.
Yeah, I really enjoy exercise, but I enjoy spending time with you guys in the morning more. I love our Saturday morning Black Panther EC runs with Urkel, Bobby Fischer, Pork Rinds, Milton, Cap, and Choppy. I enjoy our fellowship we have during Coffeeteria, Q Source, other 2nd F events.
Do I have room for improvement? Yes certainly, I struggle with my King and Queen. Several months back Fib asked who I’m chasing and without thought, I said nobody. He told me that was my problem. Looking back on that, it was the type of candor that I needed. I’ve been thinking about that lately and that is what has been driving me to run more. I know that I can get better and I know that I can count on the men in F3 to help me do it.
In closing, be yourself and find someone to chase.

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