10/05/2020 - The Citadel - Tour De La Citadel

AO: The Citadel

When: 10/05/2020


Number of Pax: 21

Pax Names: Audrey 2, Barney Fife, Bob Ross, Clipper, Gaylord, Handy Manny, Judge Smails, Niners, Paper Tiger, Powderpuff, Puddles, S'mores, Serena, Sosa, Sun Devil, Sweet Gherkins, The Wedding Planner, Thomas Tank Engine, Toadstool, Tonka, Vitamix,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Audrey 2

QIC: Tonka


Sweet Gherkins sent out a bat signal yesterday in the early morning for a Q. YHC waited until about 3pm and grabbed the opportunity to lead some PAX through a little “Tour De La Citadel”. “A tour, but why Tonka”, you ask? Well here was Sweet Gherkins post from the early AM:

@channel Looking for someone to step up at take the Q on Monday at The Citadel.  It’s a wonderland for leading a workout, we’ve got it all:

Big parking lot ✔️

Baseball Fields ✔️

Hill ✔️

Bridge ✔️

Playgrounds ✔️

@Handy Manny ✔️

Open field space ✔️

Shelter with tables ✔️

Running path ✔️

So YHC needed to make sure I had each item checked by the end of the beatdown. First thing first ensure Handy Manny HCs……….and that is an affirmative.

Woke up to frost on the windshield and a chill in the air. Movement was key to keep us warm so the stars aligned for the plan.

5 Core principles stated and PAX were told today’s beatdown was going to as follows. Remember when you were a kid and a friend would come to your house for the first time. Once they arrived you would run around and show them everything without any order? Well that is going to be today’s workout.


Neck rolls right to left for 10 count then left to right for 10

Arm circles IC to 10.

Alright waited long enough if your late your late lets mosey around the parking lot with butt kickers and high knees thrown in. Proceeded to the baseball field for some karaoke.


The Thang

Thang 1-PAX lined up on the warning track arms length apart. All PAX were doing the Moroccan Nightclub in a squat position as the end guy sprinted to the other end. PAX continued to sprint/nightclub thingy all along the warning track. This is where we noticed Puddles was in shorts and the rest of us handed him our man cards for the rest of the beatdown. Mosey’d to the church parking lot.

Thang 2-PAX in a straight line and we began to bear crawl heading South towards the church. When YHC yelled crab PAX flipped to that position, yell Bear flipped to that position. You get the point. When we were done we mosey’d to the Southwest corner of the Practice soccer field.

Thang 3-3 Corners-YHC noticed time slipping and we had so many more placed to visit, so called an audible and decided to do 3 instead of 4 corners. OYO but planked for the six at each corner to stay together the PAX busted out the following.

  • Corner 1-10 Big Boys
  • Corner 2-10 Big Boys, 20 Chuck Norris Merkins (hands in a fist)
  • Corner 3-10 Big Boys, 20 Chuck Norris Merkins (hands in a fist), 30 air Squats

Mosey’d to the little dip on the far west side of the church lot.

Thang 4-PAX had feet at the bottom of the dip and we performed 20 IC leg raises. Mosey’d to the North side of the hill.

Thang 5-Hill Bottom of the hill the PAX did 10 OYO Mucho Legos- (closed leg air squat, regular air squat, wide air squat, bonnie blair left, bonnie blair right=1 rep) mosey’d to the top of the hill and we did 20 IC Australian Snow Angels. Mosey’d to Oakhurst Playground.

Thang 6-This past weekend took the 2.0s to a playground. 2.1 was frustrated because she was failing at the monkey bars. YHC showed her it was even difficult for me. So decided to bring it to the gloom. Simple you make it accross you own 10 big boys, you fail 10 burpees. 87.6549% failed and paid up on the burpees. Mosey’d to the bridge.

Thang 7-Good Morning Aurora. Bridge+Tonka=Monkey humpers in cadence. 20 to be exact. Mosey’d to shelter in between the 2 softball fields. Busted out 30 OYO dips. Next line up in the parking lot.

Thang 8-WARNING!!! WARNING!!! WARNING!!! Do not pull a hammy. 2 groups AYG (all you got) to the flags GO!!!!! Good news no hammy’s pulled.

Mary-Manny Pacquiao Ab workout. Sweet Gherkins had disappoint on his face last Monday when we didn’t do it so YHC had to give the people what they wanted.

Circle of Trust


Audrey 2-who works for Uber and has a green thumb. Audrey is the girl on Little Shop of Horrors. EH’d by Gaylord (neighbors). Welcome Audrey 2!


Embrace the suck. Recognize where some of your weaknesses are and find a way to slaughter the low hanging fruit. Then chop away at the tree to slaughter another low hanging fruit. We will never be perfect but the continued path we are all on is paving the way for the future FNGs, our 2.0s/Ms and our society. Recognize that our personal and organizational strive makes an impact and never settle.

When your head starts playing games use the Jocko saying “Good”

Didn’t get promoted? Good… More time to get better.

Didn’t get funded? Good… We own more of the company.

Didn’t get the job you wanted? Good… Go out, gain more experience, and build a better resume.

Got injured? Good… Needed a break from training.

Got tapped out? Good… It’s better to tap out in training than tap out on the street.

Got beat? Good… We learned.

Unexpected problems? Good… We have to figure out a solutions


Audrey 2 soon to come 2.3 (any day).

Folgers-just got married and in 9 months time he has a 2.0 OTW.

Naked Man Moleskin

Today was a blast and there is so much to talk about. However, if your name is not listed above you missed out on an awesome time and you will now forever live in FOMO. FOMO why you ask? YOU MISSED SOSA’S 100 POST, WHICH WAS HIS 100 STRAIGHT POST! HE HAS NOT MISSED 1 DAY. To summarize you FOMO’d.

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