09/09/2020 - Virtuosity - Vector of Misfortune – IPC Week2

AO: Virtuosity

When: 09/09/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Buggs Bunny, Cannoli, Car Seat, Cowboy, Flutie Flakes, Happy Meal, Lance Armstrong, Mr. Hankey, Ozark, Rand McNally, Singlet, Sparkles, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Bean Counter


It was evident early on in my planning that using a wheel and spoke layout would not be conductive for Virtuosity. We adapted. Vector of Misfortune was created.

Pre-Blast IPC Week 2  :computer: Virtuosity Style! :computer:
WE WILL START AT 5:10am. I will be on at 5:05, so you might as well be too! I will run through a quick warm-up and demo and then we will be on our way. This is a timed event (43 minutes) Coupons are required!  :coupon:

I have modified this for our unique Virtuosity format. You will need to mark off an area 25 yards (75 feet) away from your “home base” / laptop / phone. Set a cone or a marker of some sort here. This will be your “Thruster Cone”. You can set your coupon here to start the workout. Then mark out a 400M loop from this spot. (200M out and back will work). All of the ‘spoke exercises’ will be done at your home base, so have a towel, mat, space available to perform the derkins, blockees, squats, swings, press, and alpos here.

I am excited about this one. Lets get after it men!
Watch the demo video here: https://f3greenwood.com/


Good Mornings IC x 10

Arm Circles IC x 10 (Forward and Backwards)

The Thang

IPC Week 2

We modified the layout to accommodate the virtual setting. 400 Meter run was OYO. I asked PAX to set up a cone 25 yards away from their devices that would serve as a “Thruster Cone”. All instances of Thrusters x 10 occurred at this cone. All other exercises which we the ends of the ‘spokes’ were performed in front of their respective devices. #accountability #form

Cusack (Rifle) Carry between devices and Thruster cone.

I put up a timer and a run down of the exercises and we were off!

Spoke Exercises:

  1. 25 Derkins
  2. 25 Blockees
  3. 25 Weighted Squat
  4. 25 Coupon Swings
  5. 25 Vertical Block Chest Press
  6. 25 Alpos

No time for Mary!

Circle of Trust

I didn’t have anything grand or particularly motivating prepared. However, I shared a message that would hopefully give some others comfort for the simple fact that they would know they are not alone. Alone in what? Alone in no longer knowing how the F to parent kids anymore. What I mean by that is with all the Covid stuff going on and the extra precautions that we are all taking, so many old ‘rules of thumb’ have changed. In the past, if your kid had a cough, you shrugged it off. A runny nose? Par for the course in daycare this time of year. Now though, I have noticed that every little thing puts us on high alert. My youngest had a runny nose a couple of weeks ago. Do we still take him to daycare? Do we keep him home? I don’t know. In the past, the fever was really the only deal breaker. You have a fever, you stay home. Fever broke for 24 hours? Good to go back. Now it is something like 72 hours fever free required. Cough is ok. Runny nose is ok. Cough AND a runny nose… call the Dr and stay home. Possible that a Covid test is needed before they can return. There is a certain moral element to this too. Is it really a runny nose? Or was it just a one time snot? Cough or milk just go down the wrong pipe. My M and I are likely making this more complicated than it needs to be, but again, who knows!? My point in all this? If you are feeling similar to this, you are not alone. Many other friends I have spoken to feel they are in the same situation. Advice; lean on each other. Use your resources. Talk to your friends, school teachers, principals, nurses, and doctors. Seek advice and help from others. Not one single person has all of the answers, so don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Use your community. And in turn, be there for those to seek advice/help from you.

We prayed for all of us as we continue navigating through the various challenges that COVID has presented, specifically for our brother Tonka and his family. We also prayed for our shoulders, and bodies in general as we attempt to recover from this IPC beatdown.

Naked Man Moleskin

This was definitely another brutal beatdown. I enjoyed this one a little bit more than the others though because we all ‘finished’ together. With the other two challenges, the duration varied greatly among PAX due to many factors. This week’s challenge guaranteed that we all started and ended at the same time. I am also partial to coupon work versus only body weight work. So that helped. I hope my kids don’t expect me to pick them up over my head today…


Until next time… !

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