04/27/2020 - Virtuosity - Virtual VQ Ladder Extravaganza

AO: Virtuosity

When: 04/27/2020


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names: Backstreet, Bean Counter, Bjorn, Blues Clues, Crop Duster, Cupcake, Magellan, Sparky, Tonka, Townie, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Longshanks

QIC: Hot Box


I am not a professional!

F3 is a free men’s workout heat or cold, rain or shine.

Workouts lead on a volunteer basis in a rotating fashion.

Modify as needed, don’t get hurt but push yourself.

This is my first time leading a virtual workout, so please bear with me.


Head circles – both directions

Motivators from 7

Hindu Squats – IC to 15

Walking Merkins

Arm circles – front and back


Time to get to work!


The Thang

Thang 1
This is a ladder.

Round 1:  We will complete Exercise 1, take a 50 yard out and back run.

Round 2: We will complete Exercise 1 and Exercise 2, and take a 50 yard out and back run.

Round 3: Continue adding exercises

Burpee blockee punch out  x10 – (no idea what these are called) do a burpee on your coupon, come to squat position, clean coupon to chest height, punch coupon straight out, bring coupon back in, coupon to the ground for the start of your next rep.
Toe taps x 10 – each leg is 1/2
Plyo – merkins – x10
Prison Bonnie Blair’s x10 – each legend is 1/2
Uncle Ricos – x10 each side is 1/2

Thang 2

This is also a ladder. The goal is to not set down your coupon for the entirety of Thang 2.

Round 1:  We will complete Exercise 1, take a 10 yard out and back coupon mosey.

Round 2: We will complete Exercise 1 and Exercise 2, and take a 10 yard out and back coupon mosey.

Round 3: Continue adding exercises

Lion Kings x10
Wood choppers L + R x 10 each side
RDLs x10
Curls for the girls

Overhead press

We all were cashed after making our way through this workout!  The PAX did well!  They gritted it out and finished the workout…no complaints.

Circle of Trust

Perspective given our quarantine situation.  What’s happening in the world isn’t currently fitting “My Narrative”, but who ever said “My Narrative” is the narrative that matters?  As believers, let this time remind us that it’s God’s narrative that matters.  How are we using this time to further his Kingdom?  To be better people? Parents? Husbands?

No prayer requests provided.


Naked Man Moleskin

Prayers for perspective, patience and understanding given our current situations.  Appreciate you men coming out and busting your butts this morning!

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