06/10/2020 - The Ridge - We Need To Do Better

AO: The Ridge

When: 06/10/2020


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bailout, Breakaway, Den Mother, Happy Camper, Pawn Star, Penalty Box, Pork Rinds, Tourniquet, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Parks and Rec


There is a first time for everything, so this will be my first time as Run Club Q. I’m still learning about running, so I’ll stick with something that doesn’t require as much planning. Last week Bobby Fischer challenged us to improve our mile time by 30 seconds. Then try to get close to it again. I really liked this and wanted to do something similar. Woke up around 3am to the sound of rain on the window. Fell back asleep and then the alarm went off at 4:30am. No rain, but very humid and the temp was hovering in the low 70’s. Not really my favorite weather, but we are going to get after it anyway.


I wanted to introduce some good warmup exercises, so I did a bit of research.


  1. Hip Flexor (high knees) in cadence
  2. Leg Flexor Stretch (raise knee toward chest, then kick out)
  3. Leg extensor stretch (almost like grabbing your leg from behind)
  4. Plantar Flexor Stretch (leg out, stretch out foot)
  5. Side Straddle Hops
  6. Mosey over to the trail head.

The Thang

Thang 1:
Run as fast as you can for one mile. This was awesome! A few men posted their best time in the last twenty years. Tourniquet, Pork Rinds, and Pawn Star nailed some awesome times. Vern and Bailout were real fast, pretty much the same as always. Den Mother, Happy Camper, Breakaway and Penalty Box did fantastic too.
Thang 2:
For the remaining time, run out and then turn back and head to the flags.
  1. Hamstring stretch, laying on back, hold for 20 seconds.
  2. Quad stretch, 15-30 seconds

Circle of Trust

Father in Heaven, we thank you for this beautiful morning and the opportunity you have given us to start our day together. Thank you for guiding us to become better men.
We come to you this morning with a lot on our minds. We ask for prayers for all of those impacted by violence and illness.
We also ask for prayers for our brother Blowfish and we offer praise for his recovery.
We ask for prayers for Ray Banks as he recovers from a stroke.
We ask for prayers for Penalty Box’s M’s coworker’s son who is 16 year old and in hospice.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Naked Man Moleskin


“Now get missional, quit worrying about your little baby feelings and your ego, AND GET TO LEADING! We have been preparing for the times like these, men! This is our day. A few weeks ago when we all ordered “The Gloom Belongs To Us” shirts… that wasn’t just the morning Gloom we were talking about. Look around, the leadership situation in our world is GLOOMY. This is what we’ve been knowingly or unknowingly getting ready for. If you believe in what F3 stands for, then let’s get invigorated and get to work.” 

It’s time to get to work men, we can no longer stay on the sides and do nothing. It is not enough to say that you are not racist, you need to be anti racist. We need to intervene when people are doing inappropriate things.

Yesterday I listened to the F3ROUNDRABLE podcast with F3Love (F3 Philly) and I encourage all of you to check it out. It’s powerful. The one takeaway I have for you is that we all need to do better in an area where we can make a difference. F3Love says to “bloom where you are planted.” Now go listen to the podcast and figure out what you are going to do to be better.



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