04/02/2020 - Virtuosity - Wildcard “Number 6” Cupcake Beatdown

AO: Virtuosity

When: 04/02/2020


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bean Counter, Bed pan, Blueprints, Dilly Dilly, Leuben, Magellan, Nacho Libre, Sputnik, TBD, Townie,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Cupcake


The number 6 is of some significance to me..it’s my birthdate (Nov 6th), it’s my oldest son Mason’s birthdate (Aug 6th), and NOW, it’s first time I get to Q a workout VIRTUALLY, which just so happens to be the 6th DAY of Virtual WOrkouts . SO, the theme will be 6️⃣… clear out that garage, grab a coupon and HC 👇


Goofballs x10 IC
Hairy Rockettes x10 IC
Motivators from 8
BIRTHDAY MERKINS FOR BEDPAN!!! – He Turned 39 today so, 39 Merkins were done in honor of BEDPAN

The Thang

THANG 1 – Tabata – 30 seconds on 20 sec off

Coupon jump-overs
Mountain climbers
Coupon rows
Rocky balboas on coupon
SSH w/ coupon overhead
Broad jumps
Goblet squats
Suicide – side to side of garage
Skull crushers

THANG 2 – 4 Corners (of your garage)
Bear crawl, forward, backward or sideways (always face same wall of garage) between corners. Complete 1 exercise in each corner – goal is for 6 laps

6 merkins
6 bobby hurleys
6 plank jacks
6 burpees

THANG 3 – Driveway Dora
Partner 1 does a exercise
Partner 2 runs down the street.. 3 houses/lots down & back, then switch
(If you cant run outside do 50 SSH) partner calls out or types in chat where they are at when they get back – thx pax for the chat idea

100 Kettlebell/coupon swings
200 Coupon chest press
300 Coupon curls
Everyone did curls while we waiting for the 6 – RECOVER

Circle of Trust

The stay at home order has been a difficult one for all of us to deal with and it affects us all in different ways. One way I wasn’t really conscious of was how it’s affecting our kids. We have 2 boys Mason and Max with a 3rd boy due in August. Yesterday my oldest son told his younger brother to go “kick some poo” (dog poo) and he did it and I came outside to find him doing that. I came down kind of hard on him and was about to dole out some consequences when my M chimes in and said they were just being boys. Usually it’s me saying that, so I knew this stay at home thing was starting to get to me. I decided not to give any punishment and laughed about it a few short minutes later.

I think the stresses of being home all the time with our family, can skew things out of perspective, so I encourage you not to do what I did and take a lesson of patience from it. Not every misstep by our kids needs to have a consequence. I’ve been trying more after that to use some of their behavior as opportunities to stress something or explain rather than punish. They test us a lot so I could be handing out punishment all day. But they’re affected by this too. I have to remember, they’re missing their friends, their teachers, their grandparents, their regular activities. That affects them a lot and I can be there for them now by being sensitive to their feelings and exercising some patience.

Naked Man Moleskin

Prayer – God thank you for allowing us to come together.  Although we’re apart physically we are not alone, and help us to continue in positivity throughout our day.  Please be with those affected with illness during this time, bless the people working in healthcare and keeping our economy moving, we are  thankful for them and their efforts and we ask you to bless them and their families.  Help us to keep coming together each moring, give us the motivation to stay connected and continue to get better.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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