11/25/2020 - The Complex - 11/25/20 – The Complex – Double Coupon Day!

AO: The Complex

When: 11/25/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bunyan, Nair, Shandy, Short Round, Super 8, Turner, Webelos, Wet Wipe,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Bartles and Jaymes


I wanted to develop a strong coupon routine, as my last few Qs hadn’t been, at least to me, effective with them. Took some inspiration from Wine in a Box, and tried to come up with a socially distanced workout that would let everyone move at their own pace to push.

Two coupons give some new options, and I wanted to test them out. Modified for super muddy conditions, but hoping it still worked people.





Motivators from 6

Arm circles x10 F/R

Hillbillies x12

Tappy taps x12

The Thang

Thang 1

Everyone does amrap on each exercise until every PAX completes their circuit.



1.Alternating single arm curls

Cusak carry one at a time until all pax complete

2.Abyss merkins

Farmers carry

3. lunges with coupons

Lunge walk

4.Low Quarter squats with coupon

Cusak carry

5. Megaman bent over rows

Farmers carry

6. Double coupon bent over rows


7. Double coupon shrugs


Deadlifts and step ups


Thang 2

Three person Dora teams

Ran out of time

Coupon shuttle run while two PAX completed exercises

100 reverse lunges with coupon

200 single arm overhead presses (got to about twenty before Mary)

300 – big boys with coupon



High plank on coupons, plank jacks – IC x30

Reverse plank jacks on coupons IC x10

Big boys x30

Hold high plank on coupons until 6


Circle of Trust

This was a hard one, as it’s been bothering me, but to show candor, and to express myself on something important, I felt it necessary.

Emergency: noun. a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action.

We have been living for 8 months under an “emergency” that does not fall under the definition of emergency. We are losing civil liberties to orders and rules, not laws. We have allowed people who are supposed to be our elected representatives rule over us with edicts that are unconstitutional, immoral, and dangerous.

I am now adamantly against masks, and I feel like I am the only one willing to say so. And I refuse to back down. Life is not normal. People are being told they are “unessential” which is the worst thing to ever do to another human being.

I don’t say this to make anyone angry, and I absolutely love our differences of opinion. I don’t want that to change. But I do believe that what is happening all over our country is wrong. Our leaders are tearing us apart through masks and other mandates. They don’t follow any of the rules they impose on us, so clearly they don’t believe them.

At some point we have to stand up for our culture, our friends and family and community. I refuse to accept that I am some sort of monster for living life as we have always done. If not wearing a mask is killing grandma (and why is it always grandma?), then everyone here has been killing grandma for years. This isn’t the first virus to plague us, and it won’t be the last, and you can’t run from it. Or hide forever. I have a medical condition that makes it very difficult to breathe with a mask on. That also means I’m likely to have more serious issues than others should I get this CCP flu. Though there’s a chance I’ve already had it!

But we can drive up economic destruction, depression, drug use, crime, and suicide. And we’re doing all of that.

My 3rd F is less religion than it is my country, and my constitution. I believe so very strongly in those, and I cannot silently accept the destruction of them anymore.

I have one more Q coming up, but then I am off the sheet. I will not plan to Q again until we can do so freely, as I disagree with our decision to harp on the virus and create rules that make our workouts less enjoyable, and damage the 2nd F part of this. I don’t blame our leadership for making the decisions they have. I don’t hate anyone for disagreeing with my views But I do disagree, and I believe that to accelerate leadership in my own life, it would be hypocritical to stay silent about my disagreements. I will keep coming, voluntarily, to workouts, and abide by the rules of the Q. But I wil not live in fear, or force anyone else to as well.

I don’t hate anyone for disagreeing with my views, Though I have received a lot of hate for not agreeing with the predominant view. I’ve had strangers swear at my six years old daughter for not wearing a mask. People are becoming monsters, and it makes me angry. I wanted that anger out ahead of Thanksgiving. I will be enjoying my day with another family who has invited mine to dinner.

We are about to enter the season that drives peak suicides every year, at a time when we have chosen to drive suicide rates up already. I am going to open my house up once a week to all the Naperville PAX who might need support. To join my family for dinner. I don’t know everyone, but there is nobody I have met in F3 I wouldn’t accept gratefully into my home, no matter what our opinions are. I hope if any of our PAX are feeling the pressure of the season, I can help with some friendship, food, and normalcy.

And anyone who wishes to wear a mask in my home is welcome to. I try not to instill rules on anyone,short of lifting the lid if you stand to pee.

Naked Man Moleskin

My first workout would have been muddy, but more fun I think.

In lieu of prayer, I ended with the pledge of allegiance, which I gladly spoke every day through elementary and middle school.

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