02/16/2021 - The Outpost - The OutPost – BP Invades

AO: The Outpost

When: 02/16/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Cataracts, Elway, Fargo, Parks and Rec, Thomas Tank Engine, Tonka, Trailerpark,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Rudy


As I pulled into the OP, I sat there for a bit due to the plowers moving the snow. The lot was plowed so I had to gun it over the huge pile of snow. Cataracts was behind me so I made a nice trail for him. As we parked our cars, the other PAX started to roll in. Due to the parking lot being covered in snow, I had to audible like Aaron Rodgers. We left the jump ropes in the car and decided to move forward. I looked around as we began to gather and noticed it was all PAX from BP so it felt like an invasion.


Prior to the warm ups, I reviewed the core principles of F3. We all got a nice laugh when I said it held outdoors (rain or shine, hot or cold) and indeed it was COLD. We started with some motivators from 7, went on to imperial walkers and ended with good mornings. As I said, it was pretty cold and we knew we’d get warm with all the running we had going on with the weighted vests.

The Thang

Since there were inches of snow everywhere, my plans for jump roping and running up and down the bridge  had to be changed. The streets were pretty clear so we ran up and down Cedar glade, turned west coming back down, back to the start and repeated until 5:55. In total we got in a good 3 miles with our weighted vests. It was a rough run due to the slush and frozen snow that was still on the ground but we pushed each other to ensure we all finish and stayed safe.

Circle of Trust

Cataract went over the announcements prior to COT and we also said a prayer for his MIL. During COT, I discussed my personal life and how F3 has continued and will continue to keep me mentally, physically and spiritually strong. For those that have wives and kids, tell them you love them every day, hug and kiss on them day because you’ll never know when your time is called. Keep a strong faith, embrace the brotherhood and let God lead the way. He has the answers and we need to believe that he will guide us. We don’t know what the plan is but we do know he will never steer us wrong. He is always there. ALWAYS!


Naked Man Moleskin

One thing I’ve taken from F3 is that we’re on a mission in our lives. From being good husbands, fathers, friends to employees, we all have a mission in our lives. We do not have time for non sense as God has put us here for a reason. Continue to lead by example and practice good faith.

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