05/27/2021 - The Citadel - 2021 Citadel 5K and 4ish Miler

AO: The Citadel

When: 05/27/2021


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names: Bootlegger, Chop Shop, Dick Cheney, Fargo, Five Hole, Handy Manny, Iced Tea, Ken Doll, Milton, O'Douls, Parks and Rec, Puddles, Quarter Cart, Small Cakes, Sweeney Todd, Toady, Tonka, Trailer Park, Urkel,

DR Names: Na

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Na

QIC: Tonka


PAX instructed to state their goal 5K or 4ish miler. Some did/some didn’t.

Showed up 15 min to started to setup. PAX already in the lot ready to go.


SSH x20 IC

Good Morning x 12 IC

toy soldiers x 15 IC

Pax instructed to insert their favorite cuss word into this sentence:  _____ you Tonka. Afterwards they were told this is the only bitch’n we are going to do. Headed to the starting line.

The Thang

Started at the tree closest to the running path on the north side of the hill. We are running until 6. Path was over the hill and then creek to the smaller tree by the outfield fence and back over the hill to the starting line. This was 1 lap. 5K was to run 6 laps 4ish milers to run 8.

Circle of Trust

As we open up get out into your communities, support local and recognize some neighbors are just getting out.

Naked Man Moleskin

Agronomy gave YHC the idea from the days we were shutdown. 2nd year and forgot to get miles and times. Didn’t matter though all PAX gave an excellent effort and got better.

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