09/25/2021 - The Outpost - 7:00AM Outpost BC VQ ALERT

AO: The Outpost

When: 09/25/2021


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Bob Ross, Bush Push, Chaps, HH Gregg, Leuben, Overthrow, Powderpuff, Stripes, Uncle Rico,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Laimbeer


VQ on a Saturday for an hour you say? The day before F35K? What gives?  YHC started 2 months ago on a Saturday at 7am OP and the Q   almost made me throw up. So while I’ll be waxing nostalgic, we’ll be paying those dues.With the 5k the next day I promise no running. But, what I also promise is you’ll get 1% better!
Focus will be a shoulder and core burner with some instruction on shldr form so we don’t get injured. YHC (a Vic of a reconstructed shldr) will also show shldr stretches that PAX can do at any post.


Mosey jog around parking lot.

SSH IC for 20 at the flags.

Arm Circles IC for 30.

Interior Shoulder Stretches Q count for 30 a side.

Rear Rotator Cuff Stretches (static loading) Q count for 10/30 a side.

Dish Towel Shoulder Stretches.

The Thang

Thang 1:

7 of Diamonds (soccer field adjacent to OP parking lot) -Rifle carry coupon to each diamond station-

Unilateral Kettlebell Shoulder Press

Coupon Shoulder Press


Hinged Row Bird Dogs

(upon completion drop your coupon at the 50 yard line for Thang 2)

Thang 2:

You may have heard of NWA’s “100 Miles and Runnin'”, well at F3 Naperville we have…

100 Yards and Crawlin’ (Bear Crawls and core work)

Start on the goal line.

Bear Crawl 10 yards.

LBC IC for 25.

Bear Crawl 10 yards.

Big Boys IC for 25.

Bear Crawl 10 yards.

Supermans Q count for 30.

Bear Crawl 10 yards.

Pilates 100 IC.

Rifle Carry Coupon 50 yards to the goal line.

J-lo’s (low plank side to side hip touches ground=1) IC for 25.

Mosey with coupon, drop at flag, then mosey to playground structure for Thang 3.

Thang 3:

Partner Pull-ups

PAX does 5 pull ups while partner PAX does mountain climbers.  Upon completion of 5 pull ups, PAX switch. Rinse and repeat until Mary.


Standing Rotator/Shoulder Stretches, each shoulder OYO (Uncle Rico, when standing remember to toot that ass for a better stretch…but only during this exercise).

Interior Shoulder Stretches both sides OYO.

Ring of Fire 3 count


Recover Recover



Circle of Trust

“Fight for your Life”

QIC started off with the disclaimer that I was just going to shoot from the hip and hope whatever I said became relevant to the moment.

I shared with the PAX how I had been in law enforcement now for 21 years.  During that time, especially as a police officer back in the Detroit area before taser use was prevalent, I had been in more “Fight for your Life” scenarios than I could care to count.

I stated, with complete humbleness, that I presumed this being F3, that a majority of the men kneeling with me this morning had been in some sort of fight in their life at some time.  But, there is no fight like rolling around on the ground literally fighting for your own existence.  Fighting for your Life!

As Q I wondered allowed that the PAX may be thinking, “how the heck does this BS apply to me?  I’m in sales.  Or, I do IT work”.

I advised that the world is not the same anymore, it is an ugly place.  The fact that these Men before are honing their mind and bodies through F3, they are a step above most.  They are preparing.

But, I said it goes beyond that.  I told the Men that as F3 Men we are in a Fight for our Lives every day.  We fight to get up in the morning at 0430 and be the best version of ourself.  To push the stress and the anxiety away so we can be our best selves for our children and our significant others, if we have them.  We are in a Fight for our Lives to support our M’s, or significant others, to help them be the best version of themselves, and prop them up when they need help.  We are in a Fight for our Lives to support our children to help them become the best version of themselves and guide them so they can grow up to be good people and in turn, be the best version of their adult self.

I closed by saying that two months ago I came to F3 and you all have accepted me and this group has helped me to stay strong and to continue to be ready to Fight for my Life.  I stated that I know it says, “free to all men”, but it doesn’t say anywhere that you have to be accepting and welcoming.  I’ve felt that here.  I appreciate that.

At that point something must have gotten in my eyes so I had to stop as they were getting watery. So I ended it with an…


We said a prayer for Clear Coats Aunt.  He pulled his HC this morning as there was a family emergency.  I honestly forgot who else I prayed for as I was a bit shook from the CoT.  I apologize for not remembering and listing them here.  But, God knows and heard our prayers this morning, this I know.

Naked Man Moleskin

I started out a bit nervous as I double tapped to Nala’s 0515 Q and he did almost all the same stuff I was doing!  I was worried I was going to be burnt out for my own VQ haha.  Wasn’t an issue.

Guys really seemed to like the interior shoulder stretches I intro’d.  I’ll bring those tricks around again.

I could have let 7 of Diamonds flow longer.  I cut it after two rounds thinking we would run long. 100 yards and Crawlin’ is basically a sprint.  Thank goodness I planned an emergency Thang 3.  Time management, eh…

Thumb Drive is a beast.  Double tapping through a Saturday, quiet as can be.  Thanks for getting me to DT before my VQ, buddy. It was fun running through an entire Saturday with you.

Uncle Rico I appreciate you coming out on the pulled hammy.  True Grit.

Overthrow thanks for traveling south and supporting my VQ. You ever gonna put that vest on buddy? Just kidding, you work harder than anyone I know.  But seriously, the vest?

Bush Push soldier up, brother.  I’d go to war with you any day.  Your wheels don’t quit.

Chaps you really wanted to win 100 yards and Crawlin’.  Had to slow you down haha.  True competitor.  Thanks for coming out on a tight schedule.

Stripes I appreciate you double tapping the OP today and making my VQ.  Nice to meet you.  Hope to post with you again soon.

Leuben…dude jumps off a plane and posts. Simple. Love that.

Bob Ross…does he ever get tired?  Is he even human?  This man tried to make ME throw up at my Vpost.  Much respect, sir.

HH Greg thanks for having my back and loved that you pulled out a ruck sack when you saw me throwing on a vest for the VQ…way to really have my 6!

PAX that answered the call when I said let’s throw on some weight: HH Greg, Leuben, Bush Push, Bob Ross, YHC.

Gotta say, I love this shit!  See you all on the sophomore swing!

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