09/11/2020 - Virtuosity - 9/11 Tribute

AO: Virtuosity

When: 09/11/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Beetle Bailey, Buggs Bunny, Car Seat, Cowboy, DJ Sump Pump, Flutie Flakes, Happy Meal, Magellan, Mr. Hankey, Ozark, Rand McNally, Singlet, Sparky,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Backstage



Good morning HIMs! I’m Backstage. This beatdown was designed to help us remember the events that unfolded on September 11, 2001. It will be extremely hard! But the events that happened that day were no piece of cake either! 

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. You are here at your own free will. I am not aware of any injuries you may have. We are here at different fitness levels, Modify if needed, but push yourself to get stronger


We’re going to begin with Motivators starting from 11. That will equal 264 SSHs! We’re going to do a SSH for every person who was killed in the four planes that crashed on Sept 11, 2001. That’s 265 people. So we will do one extra at the end!

Buy In: There are 110 floors in each of the Twin Towers. So let’s do 110 Rocky Balboa’s to symbolize each floor! 

The Thang

Thang 1:

The year is represented by the time allotment of thang 1. The month and day are represented by the 9 exercises that each include 11 repetitions.

AMRAP for time: 20:01

11 Turkish Get-Ups
11 Blockees
11 Leg Hydraulics
11 Peter Parker Burpee
11 Thrusters (with Coupon)
11 Hand Release Burpee
11 Bonnie Blairs
11 Man Makers
11 Nemos 

Thang 2:

125 SSHs (125 died at the Pentagon)
93 Shoulder Taps (Flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania)
77 Curls (Flight 77 struck the Pentagon)
175 Mountain Climbers (ELO) (Flight 175 struck the South Tower)
11 Grave Diggers (Flight 11 struck North Tower)


Walking Clock Planks (Minutes only) – I called the time and the PAX plank walked to it. I then read what happened at that time.
8:46am – Flight 11 crashes into North Tower
9:03am – Flight 175 crashes into South Tower
9:37am – Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon
9:42am – For the first time in history, the FAA grounds all flights over or bound for the USA. Over 4,500 plans were guided to land immediately.
9:59am – The South Tower collapses
10:07am – Flight 93 passengers try to retake the plan and it crashes into a field in Pennsylvania (40 died)
10:28am – The North Tower collapses
11:00am – Mayor Giuliani calls for the evacuation of Lower Manhattan south of Canal Street (1 million)
8:30am – President Bush addresses the nation, calling the attacks “evil, despicable acts of terror” and declaring that America, its friends and allies would “stand together to win the war against terrorism.”

Circle of Trust

During the Name-O-Rama we had everyone say if they were a first responder or serve in the armed forces (Singlets idea!). We had a firefighter, a police office, and several with military backgrounds (army, navy, etc.).

3,000 people died on September 11th, 2001. Many people risked their lives or gave up their lives to serve and protect others! The definition of a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13, NIV) The most heroic thing we can do is to selflessly “lay down our lives” by serving other people. This is as Jesus put it our “Greater Love Challenge”!

We can be heroic by selflessly sacrificing our own agendas and pride to humbly serve and love those around us. Our kids need us to be their heroes! Our spouses need us to be their heroes! The greatest way we can honor and remember those who laid down their lifes for us is to do the same for others every day!

Let’s pray!

Naked Man Moleskin

Fluttie Flakes and Happy Meal had to jump out early. When I explained the workout I heard one guy say, “I think I’m going back to bed!” Doing Motivators from 11 is a calve burner! I was impressed by everybody’s ability to push through it! Probably the hardest part was the man-makers, turkish get-ups, blockees, Nemos… what am I saying… IT ALL SUCKED! LOL! GREAT WORKOUT EVERYBODY!

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