07/27/2020 - The Outpost - Adventures in Pain

AO: The Outpost

When: 07/27/2020


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Cousin Eddie, Elway, Handy Manny, Niners, Pork Rinds, Quarter Cart, Thomas Tank Engine, Tonka, Trailer Park, Vitamix, Woodwind,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Bozo


I have been told my pre-blasts scare people away when they see the words, run, ruck, or legs. Therefore I wrote something about an adventure hoping to get more people signed up. It was a success biggest turn out I’ve had in awhile. Unfortunately for the PAX the adventure was only an adventure in pain.


Abe Vigoda’s x 20

Tappy Taps x 20

SSH x 30

Imperial walkers x 20

Moutain climbers x 30

The Thang

Thang 1:

Suicidal suicides. Basically just suicides with a push up at each turn.

Then repeat with 2 push ups at each turn. Mental challenge.


Thang 2:

11’s burpees and merkins, bear crawl and crab walk in between.

This one was a crowd favorite

Circle of Trust

It was good fun! Tonka came out strong on the suicides, Handy Mandy was double tapping for his 600 post later this day. Elway was doing the signature usain bear crawl sprint, Quarter Cart, Vitamix, Niners I saw were pushing themselves. Overall, I say it was a lot of fun.

Prayers for Cousin Eddie’s  2.0, quick recovery for broken bone in his foot.

Prayers for wisdom for all the men of F3.


Naked Man Moleskin

When is the last time you bought your wife flowers, when is the last time you took your kids to ice cream, when is the last time you called your parents and visited them. Don’t let time go by without doing these things. Very thankful for my family and F3. God is good!

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