09/04/2020 - Virtuosity - Broga meets get ups

AO: Virtuosity

When: 09/04/2020


Number of Pax: 10

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Beetle Bailey, Buggs Bunny, Cowboy, Flutie Flakes, Mr. Hankey, Singlet, TPS Report,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ozark


The pax were advised of the beatdown as follows:

A little sore from Iron Pax week 1 on Wednesday? Butt still scabby from IPC week 0? Just had a long week? GOOD! Come and get some more with YHC tomorrow on Virtuosity. I promise to work out some kinks, aches and pains the best way possible—with more PAIN! I can’t help myself, so have a  and a towel, belt, or band handy (unless you can legit grab your toes with your knees and back straight in which case I hate you).

So they were warned.


Twerkin? (I thought the Exicon called it “Mahktar n daises” but that is apparently something more like a hydraulic plank….)/sun salutations x enough to get the creaks out

On your six one leg up straight and pull back for stretch, then over to the side a bit. Repeat with the other leg.

Twerkins/Sun salutations x 7 speed up the movement a bit and maybe get heart rates up a tad

Buy-in (it was time to get the pax breathing hard):

Crusty BBJs (Burpee, bonnie blair, jump squat) x 2 minutes

The Thang

Thang 1 – Deconstructed Turkish get ups

All in cadence—

  • Coupon situps – or E2Ks (was it 30 each side?)
  • Side plank step throughs x20 on a 4 count
  • Coupon overhead lunges x20 each leg half


Thang 3 (bonus thang)

  • AMRAP – 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 rows – ~10 min

And just enough time for NEMO’s for 10 reps. I thought these would be fun and I as not disappointed. I even got to christen my new asphalt driveway with blood!


It was a coin flip between circling back to the Broga theme of warm-o-rama, or just doing Captain Thorkin, but Broga won.

7 Twerkins/sun salutations

On your six one leg in the air with your towel to pull it toward head then to the side

7 Twerkins/sun salutations

Boat Canoe until 6

Circle of Trust

I was up way past my bedtime jotting out my thoughts for this beatdown and looking for something profound or useful to share with the pax, and I realized I just needed to get my ass to bed.

That ultimately is my message today. Keep taking the time you need to get right. Do what we just did this morning, get the sleep you need, and eat right, and give yourself a little grace when you don’t meet your expectations, but don’t stop trying either. If you’re not right you can’t help and serve those around you the way you should.

Naked Man Moleskin

Thanks to all who joined this morning. I hope Mr. Hankey enjoyed a workout without any bigboys, and hopefully got a chance to heal up. TPS Report is getting on top of the distinction between a forward and a reverse lunge–good to always be learning. Glad to hear from Backstage and Beetle Bailey that the gospel of the get-up is being preached somewhere! Awesome to see the granite man from the granite state, Flutie Flakes, again. If you weren’t there you missed a great morning.

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