08/11/2020 - The Outpost - #CardioHealth & IPC2020 Training

AO: The Outpost

When: 08/11/2020


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Appletini, Blues Clues, Bob Ross, Cataracts, Elmer Fudd, FIB, Mayhem, Parks and Rec, Poutine, Seabiscuit, Sonny Bono, Subway, Trailer Park,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Uncle Rico


With the 2020 edition of the IronPaxChallenge looming at the end of the month, we can all use some tuning up of our cardiovascular health. None of the weekly challenges will call for the Pax to go out for a nice easy run. Rather they will be calling for bursts of running here and there and to and fro. And for that reason, we shall use Fartlek interval training to shape us up.


The Pax were welcomed and disclaimer shared. We hit up two Capri Lap’s and sprinkled in some High Knees and Butt-Kicks to warm things up. Circled back up for some Good Morning’s and SSH’s.

The Thang

Fartlek Training:

1/3 mile from OP to the far playgrounds – run that about 60% of your fastest pace.

Turn right at the playgrounds and head to the next East/West trail – run a slow mosey, 30% or so to catch your breath.

Turn right at the trail that connects OP and Book Rd – run that ALLYOUGOTTTTTTTTT – 100%!

Turn right at the bend – another slow mosey (30%) to catch your breath.

The next right turn is where we started – gear it back up to 60%ish.

Round and round we go!!! Heart rates up then down then waaaay up then down then sorta up then down….What’s up Interval Speed Training!!

Circle of Trust

My F3 Day 1 was 2 years ago, on Aug 11, 2018. Crab Legs told me about a little workout group he had been joining and a few days later I came out on a Saturday at Outpost. A drone was flying overhead. An ‘Appletini’ fella was chatting up the other guys. We were supposedly competing with an Urkel guy who was in a different parking lot somewhere else. I distinctly remember that for the life of them, they couldn’t seem to figure out how to call/answer each other to determine who was winning certain thangs. I remember being humbled by some Peter Parker’s and Walking Lunges up and down the lot. I remember walking away with a new name and celebrating that I no longer had to exercise by myself!

Whew – 2 years flys by. I have grown to love all that F3 and F3 Naperville is all about. Getting guys excited to be better at all parts of their life. That’s it! That’s what it has provided me. ‘F3’ often sits on my shoulder…whispering sweet-nothings…that I should be making healthy choices in the kitchen, that I need to get to bed earlier and wake up early, to be more patient and supportive in my marriage, to take advantage of the time with the Shorties and knowing soon enough they’ll be out of whatever frustrating phase they may be in, to remind me to be kind to others, to reach out to my brothers or an old-friend, to remind me that Leading (and Following) is a never-ending journey with ups and downs and highs and lows, and in all things to be a High Impact Man in all that I do. It’s not always easy but knowing that is a pursuit and that we continually need to sharpen ourselves and our wits and our energy. I love getting out and doing difficult things ITG together and doing CSAUP’s together. Being there for one another when we need help or need to be picked up. Spoiler alert: we ALL need to be picked up at some point!

F3, and F3 Naperville, and I, am not where we are today if it weren’t for all of you. The Pax make this engine go by continually committing to do the hard thing each and every morning and waking up early. Many call is the Daily Red Pill (DRP). And by holding each other accountable in many ways. And by loving the guy kneeling next to you every CoT no matter what.

The Pax joined YHC in an Our Father and we were on our way!


Uncle Rico

Naked Man Moleskin

With each round running eastward towards the playground (the 60% running pace), a cool fog slowly rolled in over the fields. It was a real nice jolt of cool fresh air and thought it worthy of sharing here! Love this time of year!

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