06/16/2020 - The Outpost - Flo’s 2 year F3 Anniversary Beatdown

AO: The Outpost

When: 06/16/2020


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Blues Clues, Bob Ross, Ken Doll, Quarter Cart, Toady, Trailer Park, Zima,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Flo


There was a chill in the air at Outpost as the unseasonably cool temp was just above 50. A perfect morning for my 2 year anniversary Q.

We had one PAX for an EC run, but nature was calling, so he had to bail on the workout. We’ve all been there!


Disclaimer recited


Bat wings x10 (arm circles forward, arm circles backward, seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs)

Goofballs x14

Abe Vigoda’s x20

Motivators from 10

Note: When I started on Dads Day 2018, we did motivators from 5 and I about died.

The Thang

Thang 1

Space tracers on east side of lot

10 burpees


Thang 2

Pearls on a string

Run to Book Rd parking lot

25 merkins

Run on south from playground to main trail headed west

About 2/3 of the way, stop and do 50 LBCs

Continue running on trail to baseball fields

Stop between fields and do 75 squats

Thang 3

At baseball pavilion, do the following:

25 dips

25 step ups (both legs = 1)

25 derkins

bear crawl to outfield grass, lunge walk back

repeat table exercises

Thang 4

Facing rising sun in grass by the flags – No Surrenders x12




Flutter kicks x20

Heel touches x25

Swimmers x15


Circle of Trust

Prayers for COVID patients

Prayers for Rob, Jennifer, and one or two others that I apologize I don’t remember now.

Naked Man Moleskin

June 16, 2018 was my FNG date. It was Dad’s Day that year and Appletini and FIB had finally convinced me to attend. I struggled mightily those first few days, but slowly but surely, I got better (it did not get easier).

I have site Q duties on Tuesday so I used today as my anniversary Q. It was my honor to lead a fine group of HIMs through today’s workout. I am grateful for the fellowship that F3 has provided.

As I begin year 3, I have new goals and challenges to achieve. One step at a time.

– Flo

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