03/09/2021 - The Outpost - Magic Running Shoes


The warmest morning in 2021. Warmest morning in 6-ish months.

“Running shoes have magic in them. The power to transform a bad day into a good day; frustration into speed; self-doubt into confidence; chocolate cake into muscle.” – Mina Samuels

Told the PAX in the Pre-blast that this would be an out/back type run club – no intervals or suicides or stops for body builders. Sometimes a little mystery is good for the soul. Other times it’s good to just manage expectations and try and lure some fringe runners to join so they can continue to Accelerate!

Rolled into the OP a little early for a 1 mile mosey to get things moving and ready.

As part of the Welcome/Disclaimer I recited F3’s Mission – “To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men to invigorate male community leadership.” We hear the 5 Core Principles a fair amount but not the Mission. Or maybe I don’t post nearly enough to hear it. Either way, suggested that when the PAX’s minds began to wander on their run (which it would) to reflect on the F3 Mission and start to think about what they are doing or could do to help Accelerate that mission here in their lives.


Wanted to skip and just get straight to running to give the guys maximum running time but we did a few exercises just to warm up and count together as a group. SSH’s IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 15, SSH’s IX x 10, Imperial Walkers IC x 5. Let’s move!

The Thang

PAX had a few options. Run East to Plainfield Naperville and back for a 5K. Or run East as far as you can in 19 minutes and turn back around. Need more? Head North on Plainfield Naper to 95th, Head West on 95th and turn South at the Library (Glacier Rd) to hit 4.25 miles. Need more? Run PAST the Library to Rte 59 and then head South, turning Westward at the McDonald’s to hit 5-ish miles.

Circle of Trust

F3’s Mission: To PLANT, GROW, and SERVE small workout groups for men to invigorate male community leadership.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the 1stF. Without even knowing full details of other regions YHC would suggest that F3 Naperville does the 1stF as good as any other region out there if not better. But that is just a small piece of the F3 Mission. “Plant, Grow, and Serve” can look and feel different for each of us. YHC challenged the Pax to consider how each of them were helping to Plant, Grow, and Serve. Probably could have been more profound or deliberate on this but left it at that and perhaps a PAX or two would reflect and get an idea or jump into a new role or something to keep this engine humming in the western suburbs of Chicago.

SYITG. Love, Uncle Rico

Naked Man Moleskin

DJ Sump Pump set a new PR today – AWESOME!

Wilson, Coldcuts, and Seabiscuit joined us! Great to see some faces that have been around for awhile but got off track for a variety of reasons. As the weather improves bring em out bring em out!

Appletini and FIB fartsacked or else we’d have had 31 and been co-winners of the day.

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