03/11/2020 - The Ridge - Strength in Numbers

AO: The Ridge

When: 03/11/2020


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Chop Shop, Den Mother, Dilly Dilly, Onesie, Tourniquet, TPS Report, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: NA

QIC: Dilly Dilly


It was an eerie morning as I planted the flag at 5:05 AM with complete silence in the air.  No wind blowing, a slight mist, & a single bird chirping.  It was a fitting peace before the workout from being up until 2:30 AM with a kid who had croup.  The PAX slowly rolled in & their was a sense of tiredness of the group so we got things going quickly with some motivators to wake each other up.

Following a warm a rama the men set out across the (b)Ridge & past the school where the yellow brick road ended. TPS & Chop Shop set the pace & newly ointed runners Onesie & Tourniquet kept pace with the gazelles just trailing behind.  Vern kept the 6 as Den Mother maintained a solid time right behind the pack.

Turning back the PAX made a quick pit stop in the Grande Park school parking lot where they did some interval sprints across the parking lot while their partner did SSH or held plank until their turn to sprint off switching. Dilly sent Onesie, Tourniquet, & Den Mother on their way while he made Vern, TPS, & Chop Shop do one more round of EC sprints before heading back.

The men were on a tight schedule back while Chop Shop, Tourniquet, & Onesie took the short path in while TPS & Vern pushed the longer .25 mile route along the street.  Den Mother inspired the group by pushing himself on the long route with Vern & TPS staying right with the pack.

The men finished with a set of 10/20 Captain Thor’s before closing the day out.


Welcome to F3 Naperville.  I am your Q Dilly Dilly & this is The Ridge!  Free volunteer peer lead workout.  I am not a pro, you are here at your own risk, & I have no knowledge of any injuries.  It is each individual’s responsibility to be safe & modify if necessary.  Aye!


Warm O Rama: (5 mins)

  • Motivators from 6
  • 10 Abe Vigodas
  • 20 count: down dog, up dog
  • 10 Hairy Rockettes

The Thang

Thang 1:

  • Everyone run out to the path until it ends & run back to school parking lot. In the school parking lot we will do sprints with one partner sprinting while other holds plank.  Rinse & repeat until Q says head back.
    • 1 miles to the end of the path (18 mins total; 23 mins into workout)
      • Slower pace turns to the school lot when faster pace doubles back & catches them
    • P1 sprints to one end of lot & back to P2 plank or SSH; 3 to 4 sets (6 mins; 29 mins into workout)
    • 3 miles to get back on long loop; 1 mile for short loop (11 mins total; 40 mins into the workout)
      • Q gives count of 13 to go 12 to go etc. to clue group when to head back based on their own personal mile time for the shorter route


  • Captain Thor
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Meditation

Circle of Trust

  • Count A Rama – 7
  • Annoucements
    • plentiful, check out info only chatter channel
  • Name A Rama
  • Prayers
    • TPS CEO Nash family who suddenly lost their son
    • Miyagi for speedy recovery
    • Bump’s family
    • Noonan’s family

Naked Man Moleskin

You have heard the analogy strength in numbers & you have probably heard the old adage that you can easily break a single match stick but try breaking multiple match sticks & it cannot be done.  Over the past couple of months I have learned that the power of a group doing something can push you beyond your boundaries then what you can do alone.  I started probably running 10 years ago off & on & have completed a couple half marathons throughout my life.  During that time I trained by myself & THOUGHT I was pushing myself to my max effort hitting just under 9 min miles at my personal bests.  Now after 2 months of training with many of you & my Ragnar brothers, especially Team Dingo, I realized how wrong I was.  Running together with these men having them push me has made me a stronger runner & accomplishing things I never thought I could do.  I have done 5ks under 8:30 mile pace & under 8:45 for 10ks, numbers I never thought were possible.  This goes for anything in life men it is harder to do it alone then it is to do it with people you care for & care for you weather it is fitness, fellowship, or faith.  Don’t be the single match that can be easily broken find your other matches to make you stronger overall.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!”  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Dear lord thank you for this day & thank you for bringing these men together to push each other.  We are humbled & honored by your glory each & every day.  We send out prayers to______________________________________________________________  We ask you to lift up those in our spoken & un-spoken prayers.  In your name we pray.

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