12/28/2020 - Virtuosity - The 12 Days of Christmas . . . Squared

AO: Virtuosity

When: 12/28/2020


Number of Pax: 24

Pax Names: Backdraft, Backstage, Bean Counter, Blues Clues, Bob Ross, Cannoli, Chun Li, Dilly Dilly, DJ Sump Pump, Ebeneezer, Flutie Flakes, Magellan, Mr. Hankey, Ozark, Parks and Rec, Sonny Bono,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Car Seat


It was rough getting up after a family party (and argument) the night before; but the PAX were ready to go promptly at 6:15/5:15, posting from New York, Iowa, Cancun, New Hampshire, Texas, and across F3 Naperville and Tri County.


After the into and disclaimer, we jumped int to a short warm-o-rama:


Good Mornings






All in cadence for a 15 count of each.

The Thang

Today thang was inspired by the 12 Days of Christmas and my own a desire to remind the PAX about squaring numbers (as my younger daughter is now learning).

Starting with day 12, an exercise was called out.  The numbers of reps was the day2.

Day 12 – 144 Merkins

Day 11 – 121 Coupon Curls

Day 10 – 100 LBCs

Day 9 – 81 Thrusters

Day 8 – 64 Bobby Hurleys

Day 7 – 49 Coupon Swings

Day 6 – 36 BBSU

Day 5 – 25 Halos (r/l =1)

Day 4 – 16 Burpees (a warm up for the January challenge)

Day 3 – 9 Blockees

Day 2 – 4 Navy Seal Burpees

Day 1 – 1 long plank varying the position

Mary – all X 20

Freddie Mercuries

American Hammers

Flutter Kicks

Shoulder Taps



Circle of Trust

Number-o-rama, announcements, name-o-rama

In our COT I shared a sad story about my family from the evening before that I hope can encourage the PAX.

The day before the post, two of my siblings, along with their families, and my family spent the day at our parents’ home.  At one point, several of us were in the kitchen and I began to tell a story about an elderly woman my wife assists.  I no longer even recall the point of the story, but somehow it rapidly devolved into an argument between my sister and brother about masking.

As the passions were flaring, it became clear to me that the altercations was not really about masking, but about their personality conflicts.  The dispute left a pall over the day, and I can still feel the weight of it bearing down on my shoulders as I write this backblast.

I shared this story in hopes of encouraging the PAX to find peace in their home life.  What struck me about the conflict that shattered what was supposed to be lovely day together was that, not only did it accomplished nothing whatsoever, but that being “right” is simply not worth it, if by proving the point, discord results.  So what if your brother, sister, in-law, did x or y?  I know things are hard to let go.  I have a strained relation with some family members.  But, especially in light of the hardships many endured in 2020, what purpose does further conflict cause?  Forgive, even if the other person has not earned it.  (Have we earned our own redemption?)

Find peace with your family in the New Year.

After I shared my story, we closed in prayer, holding up Bob Ross’s younger brother Mike and another PAX’s mother (I’m sorry I forgot who) Barb, to the Lord for recovery from their respective injuries.

The prayer ended with a request for God’s favor on the PAX in finishing out the year and giving Him gratitude for each and every day, as neither adversity nor unexpected exigencies in life vitiate the gift of life our Lord has graciously granted us.  We need to be ever-mindful of his presence and love.

Naked Man Moleskin

This, more or less was covered in today’s COT.

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