10/21/2020 - The Outpost - Tribute To My Son Angel Emmanuel


It was another rough morning waking up, already struggling to sleep the night before. Having to wake up at 4:15 is not fun, especially on a cold early morning. After pushing myself to get up and get dressed, I forced my coupon to get in the car and take it for a long sweet drive to the Outpost. On our long journey to the Outpost, we listened to some good inspirational music to help keep focus and motivated to keep pushing myself to become better. As I reached my destination I began to pull my lovely coupon out of the back and grab some sidewalk chalk to begin writing the workouts.

As I finished writing the workouts I saw a shiny twilight star coming through to say high and wish me the best. A few minutes later the whole brotherhood of F3 showed up with what I began to make them fall back in love with, the sweet coupon. One of the brothers called out its that time 5:15, so I called out let’s begin.

This is a free, voluntary, and peer-led workout and ends with a circle of trust and prayers. I am not a professional, I have no knowledge of any personal injuries or fitness conditions, so modify as needed and let us all stay safe.


Arm circles 10 forward and 10 backward to loosen up arms

Good morning 10 (which stood for the Month)

Tapi taps 18 (which stood for the Date)

Motivators 7 (which stood for the length)

Abes abogda 4 (which stood for the weight)

The Thang

Angel 10/18 (Date of Birth)= 509*2, 509= roughly 169*3; tried to get 4 reps in which would have been the hour my son was born, but we only got 3 reps which was close.

Thang 1:

169 curls

169 chest press

169 rows

lap the parking lot, and then help the 6

Thang 2:

169 squats

169 ssh

169 dips


74 LBCs

Circle of Trust

Did not have a speech prepared since it was a last-minute Q pick up, so before talking I asked for any prayer request. Rusty asked for us to keep Mr. Miyagi’s mom in your prayers and my wife and I in your prayers.

So after getting all the requests in I asked everyone to take a knee. I began my speech after taking a deep breath and began to explain what the numbers meant to me; when I saw TPS Report ask if someone can pick up his Q I felt the was a reason why I saw it and began to rewrite my workout from scratch. The meaning behind each number is very emotional and significant to me. I took my son Angel’s birth date which was 10/18 and when you remove the dash it is 1,018 which I divided by 2 which came to be 509 that I used to create two Thang workouts. In order to get 509, I divide the number into 3 and got 169 which became my reps for three workouts for each Thang. The use of the coupon was to give me the feel of what weight my wife had to carry for the last 17wks of being pregnant; I know it did not compare to what the physical weight is but it gave me an idea after losing the strength in my arms and then having to carry the coupon to each next workout position. After I gave my speech we held a moment of silence for Mr. Miyagi’s mom who is battling cancer, for me and my wife to help give us the strength to get through this difficult time, and for all family members who are going through the same situation and for those who have lost a loved one.

Naked Man Moleskin

At this moment I have been taking time to sit and read the book of Job; after reading the first two chapters of Job I have already learned a little about how to always keep my faith in God even though he tests your faith to see if you still would trust in him. My wife and I are now put to the biggest test in life in trusting God and knowing what his plan is for us by losing our son. I have never known so much about how short life can really be; knowing that my son was only 17wks and growing so fast from the beginning inside her womb would have such a crazy outcome. Spending the little time we had with him taught us so much about life and how to cherish every moment and every second with our loved ones. He has also brought so much joy to our families that were going through tough times themselves. It is amazing how a baby grows from just an egg to a lifesize breathing person; even though our baby did not get the chance to be a lifesize breathing baby, he was still the perfect son a father could ask for. We very appreciated all the thoughts and prayers from each and every one of you for my family and for my son Angel Emmanuel. My request for each and every one of you is to continue cherishing every moment of life given to us and to cherish all of our loved ones; if there is a family member you haven’t talked to for a long time, reach out to them and just let them know you haven’t forgotten them. Life is very short so make the best of it.

Thank you,


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