03/31/2020 - Virtuosity - Virtual Run Club

AO: Virtuosity

When: 03/31/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names: afib, Bjorn, Blart, Bob Ross, Cataracts, Cousin Eddie, Den Mother, Fargo, Poutine, Shandy, Subway, Tonka, Trailer Park, Vern,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: TPS Report



RUNNING. Das it. RUN CLUB.If you think you can run, you will HC. If you think you might run, and want to try it, HC. There will be less than 4 miles on this.. but don’t think it’ll be easy.

Nice cool morning. Low 40’s with windchill to mid 30s. Dark. Quiet. But Not Alone.


Check in between 5:10am and 5:15am with a runner: :man-running:

Warm Up

15 Imperial Walkers (4 count)
10 Arm Circles F/B (4 count)
20 SSH (4 count)

The Thang

Start running latest at 5:20am. I’ve split the distances based on pace. Here are your targets:


If you run close to 11m/m:
1.0m out
5 minutes of burpees AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
1.0m back (start running at 5:42 at the latest)


If you run close to 9m/m:
1.5 miles out
5 minutes of burpees AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
1.5 miles back (start running at 5:40 at the latest)


If you run close to 7.5m/m:
2.0 miles out
5 minutes of burpees AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
2.0 miles back (start running at 5:40 at the latest)



25 Flutters (4 count)
25 American Hammers (4 count)
25 Freddie Mercuries (4 count)


Finish at 6.

Circle of Trust

Getting up at 4:30 and driving to a park to exercise with other guys wasn’t easy. But I think we went not for exercise, but our brothers.

Getting up now to exercise by ourselves is hard. We don’t have our brothers next to us. But this now is the time to show our bond. Staying in the gloom, knowing your brother IS out there somewhere in the gloom too… that is what makes us stronger.

Never have we needed iron to sharpen iron more. We need to stay sharp to lead our families, our communities, our business.

Keep getting up. Make commitments and keep them. Get sharper.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Lord protect those who fight for us. Keep them safe and sharp. Let them come home to us having fought and won.

Naked Man Moleskin

Keep running. Keep posting. Keep leading.


It. does. not. stop.

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