01/30/2020 - The Citadel - You are Faster Than You Thought You Were – Citadel Run Club

AO: The Citadel

When: 01/30/2020


Number of Pax: 28

Pax Names: Bob Ross, Bobby Fischer, Brick, Brinks, Cataracts, Chop Shop, Dilly Dilly, Elway, Enron, Fertile Myrtle, Flo, giblets, Handy Manny, Motown, Mr. Miyagi, Nala, Noonan, Ozark, Party Boy, Pork Rinds, RoachCoach, Rusty, Small Cakes, Sweet Gherkins, Thomas Tank Engine, Tigers, Toadstool, Twilight,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: None

QIC: Mr. Miyagi


A beautiful Winter day in Chicagoland. 28 degrees, no winds, just right.

After doing a little set up in the OLM parking lot I pulled into the Citadel parking lot to a whole lotta HIMs…

0515 – Disclaimer and we were off…


We moseyed to the OLM parking with a few stops along the way.

Stop 1: Good Morning ICx15
Stop 2: Abe Vigodas ICx15
Stop 3: Tappy Taps ICx15

All were done nice and slow and low…

The Thang

The OLM parking lot was our track, just happens to be a perfect 400 meters/.25 miles around the perimeter.

*9 “Tracks” were set up in the parking lot
*Distances were established which allowed 1 lap to be completed in 100 seconds based on current 5k pace
*In theory, every PAX could complete one lap in 100 seconds based on their current 5k pace. In reality, we ran 95 second laps
*Plan was to run 16 laps with leg exercises at the end of each lap; 10 Tempo Squats on the odd laps and 10 Tempo Lunges on the even laps
*In the end we only completed 14 laps
*The “Tracks”
5k Pace/Lap Length/Miles Ran/Actual Pace
7 Min Mi/.250 Miles/3.5 total miles/6:22
7.5 Min Mi/.233 Miles/3.26 total miles/7:08
8 Min Mi/.219 Miles/3.06 total miles/7:36
8.5 Min Mi/.205 Miles/2.87 total miles/8:05
9 Min Mile/.194 Miles/2.71 total miles/8:33
9.5 Min Mi/.184 Miles/2.58 total miles/9:02
10 Min Mi/.175 Miles/2.45 total miles/9:30
11 Min Mi/.159 Miles/2.23 total miles/10:27
12 Min Mile/.146 Miles/2.04 total miles/11:24
*80 Tempo Squats


Circle of Trust

Today we inducted another member in the Respect Club. Noonan hit the half century mark January 27th, this past Monday. We invited him out to The Citadel and presented him with, not the Depends he was hoping for, but a bottle of Teeling Irish Whiskey. As all of you will find out, eventually, when you hit your 50’s your knees hurt a lot more and more often, you back stiffens up anytime you sit for more the 30 minutes, your feet hurt for the first 30 or 40 steps of the day, you can’t remember what day it is and in my case what month, sometimes sitting on the couch is more appealing than a roll in the hay….okay let’s not get too crazy. Moral of the story is…hopefully the Irish Whiskey eases some of the pain. Welcome to the club Noonan!

We did make announcements and said a prayer but, as you may have gleaned from above, it’s really hard to remember exactly what…

Naked Man Moleskin

I haven’t Qed many Run Clubs but when I signed up for this one I was hell bent on keeping the group together. At the end of the day I’d say I was successful. The PAX got to run their pace, we finished each lap together for the most part and every one pushed themselves. The paces ran were almost 10% faster than the PAX identified and that was with some PT cooked in to burn the legs a little more. All the PAX pushed themselves, well done!

A few shoutouts:
Twilight looked like he was shot out of a cannon running 3.5 miles around a 6:20 pace.
Smallcakes completed his first Run Club and pushed himself the entire way. Looking good brother.
Kudos to Thomas the Tank Engine, Cataracts, Tigers and all the others who pushed past their limits. Not sure how many RC’s they’ve done but the pushed the entire time.
Nala for having our six. You are a natural at this Site Q stuff, done well!
Roach Coach, kicked ass and didn’t even need to warm up…
Bob Ross who also kicked ass at the 8.min pace still coming off the flu
And all the rest of the PAX for coming out in force!


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