09/20/2022 - The Citadel - A circle and 2 sided triangle…

AO: The Citadel

When: 09/20/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Nala


Decided to commit to getting ITG more this week. Put up a virtual buddy bench call on mumblechatter, and thought I would let everyone know I’m serious about both pressing down on the accelerator, and having someone hold me to it. When planning on my week on Sunday, saw this spot was open, so I snagged it. Figure, I’ll let myself down 10 times out of 10, but if others are counting on me, I’ll get up.

Plan was coming together, and I wanted to move, use the coupon a bit, and get a nice calorie burn. Told pax to bring coupons and plan on off-roading.

Alarm sounded and off I went. Arrived at the AO about 15 minutes early and caught Stay Puft doing a bit of yoga. I jogged over to the space between the ball fields to set up a couple cones.

Other PAX started to roll in, solid crew.

5:15 rolled around, core principles and disclaimer were shared. Off we went!


Mosey around the parking lot with 3 stops to do

10 Tappy Taps in cadence

10 Abe Vigotas in cadence

20 Arm Circles forward/20 backward in cadence followed by a chest and back stretch.

Back to the coupons and time to go!

The Thang

Mosey with coupons over to the pavilion. Do 20 dips on YHC’s command. Leave coupons and get on the north baseball field.

Thang 1 – Vicious Circle

Pax lined up and ran around the infield (near the grass). The pax in the back of the line ran to the pitchers mound, did 1 merkin, then to the front of the line (straight to the front – not chasing the line). When he arrived at the front, the next dude went, and so on until everyone did 1 merkin. Repeato for 2 merkins, 4 merkins, 8 merkins.

Stop and grab a 10 count.

Line back up and run the opposite direction – this time the exercise were big boys – 8, then 4, then 2, then 1.

Total distance in the circle was about 2 miles. Well done pax!

Head back over to the pavilion – find a bench and do 20 dips on YHC’s command.

Thang 2 – 2 sided triangle

Start between the floodlights near the bleachers. Do 10 curls, murder bunny past the cones, do 10 skull crushers, leave your coupon and lunge walk back to the floodlights, 10 squats, run to the coupons. Repeato, increasing reps to 20, then repeat again increasing reps to 30.

Grab your coupon and mosey on back to the flags for


20 LBCs in Cadence

20 Heel Touches in Cadence

Circle of Trust

Found this in a daily devotional that admittedly I don’t do every day, however, the one from yesterday was a good one, as it is a very challenging concept when wrapping your mind around what is really being asked of men as leaders in the house.

Leadership in the Home

Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Ephesians 5:22 & 25, 6:1

Contrary to what people may think – leadership in the home is not about power or control. Paul asks for mutual submission and calls husbands to be Christ-figures. And how did Christ lead the church? He provided, taught, wept, healed, and died on a cross. Spiritual leadership means giving up yourself for someone else. It means assuming responsibility for the health and development of your relationships. Evaluate your home leadership in each of the following categories:

  • Initiative – do I give direction and take responsibility for my relationships?
  • Intimacy – do I experience intimacy with God and others through open conversations?
  • Influence – do I exercise biblical influence by encouraging and developing others?
  • Integrity – do I lead an honest life, unashamed of who I am when no one is looking?
  • Identity – am I secure in who I am, or am I defensive?
  • Inner circle – do I exhibit the fruit of the Spirit in my life, including self-discipline?


I am challenged by this to accelerate – there is room to, and I challenged PAX to do the same – regardless of belief, the principles can probably be adopted and applied for all.

Prayers were said, thanking our Sky Q for the morning, the brotherhood we have this week. Prayers were said for Rusty with potential changes coming to his life, and for the ongoing war in Ukraine – may peace prevail. Prayers were said to be a light to those around us and to have a great rest of the week.

Naked Man Moleskin

YHC has struggled as of late to get ITG, but that is really a symptom of being undisciplined and taking advantage of revenge time. It was good to get off to a good start this week, and I hope to keep the ball rolling as the week goes on.

Hakuna Matata


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