10/02/2021 - Iron Lion - Billy Madison Back TO Beatdown

AO: Iron Lion

When: 10/02/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Cousin Eddie, Magellan, Nacho Libre, Rainman, Sun Devil,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS:

FNG Names:

QIC: Backdraft


Beautiful crisp October morning at the Early Iron Lion with a hint of rain in the air. I got on scene about a minute before Cousin Eddie so we started talking about his IPC Q from the day prior. We had a great chat about the positives and negatives about the past week. After chatting for a bit, I set up the speaker and got ready for the group to show up,


We quickly discussed the F3 Principles and set the music on Random and started out Warm Up.


Tappy Taps X 16

Good Mornings X 16

Arm Circles X 16

New and Exciting variation of Motivators. I told the group we would be doing Motivators from 3 and they all gave me the stink eye knowing that somethings was amiss. I demonstrated the Burpee Motivator to grumbles and giggles.

Cousin Eddie took the opportunity to complete Site Q duties and filmed the glorious BurPivators!


The Thang

Start with exercise 1 then add second and repeat first. Then Add third exercise and repeat second and first, etc.

10 – LBC

11 – Monkey Humpers in Cadence – Repeat LBC

12 – Plank Jakes in Cadence – Repeat MH and LBC

13 – Curls – Repeat PJ, MH, and LBC

14 – Lunges (each leg 1/2) – Repeat Curls, PJ, MH, and LBC

GRADUATION – SSH 50 in Cadence

15 – Merkins – Repeat Lunges, Curls, PJ, MH, and LBC

16 – Flutter Kicks in Cadence – Repeat all previous

17 –  Overhead Press – Repeat all previous

GRADUATION – SSH 50 in Cadence

18 – Air Squats – Repeat all previous (except SSH)

19 – Burpees –


RAIN Started so we relocated to pavillion for Mary

All Exercises were for 45 seconds and 15 second rest.

Leg Circles

Backward 7’s (Plank position Left knee, Right Left; Right knee, left, Right)

Freddie Mercs on the Left Side

Freddie Mercs on the Right Side

Mountain Climber PLUS Pickle Pounder


Circle of Trust

Quote from #75 Hard Book – Ultralearning

“The challenge of learning in the beginning is that you don”t know what to do. The challenge of learning in the end is that you think you already know what to do. It’s the latter difficulty that causes is to rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems that are encouraged through habit, not always because the old ways is actually best.”

Trying to use this philosophy in my life to help teach my kids and myself new skills.

Naked Man Moleskin

I cant thank the F3 community enough for always challenging me and making my life better by the friendships and shared community that I have been missing in my life. The 75 Hard task are extremely meaningful and inspiring to fulfill. I have found a new love with reading and gaining knowledge. I have used what I have read in my work life and in my family life. The group of guys that always holds me accountable has been inspiring and something I cannot ever show enough gratitude for. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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