09/28/2022 - Iron Lion - Death by Skinny Runner – Iron Pax Challenge Week 4

AO: Iron Lion

When: 09/28/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names:

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Cousin Eddie


Pre Blast:  Iron Pax Challenge Week 4 at IRON LION 5AM START TIME REPEAT 5AM START This one has a lot of running.  We are ending at 6AM.  It will suck less for YHC and Speaker City if you are there with us.  No Coupons.  HC in the thread.

The Scene:  Arrived before 4:40am, still plenty of time to live test the route.  All the measuring on Google Maps was for naught as I soon realized a couple, simple out and back routes would work just fine.  200m out and back and a half mile out and back routes were marked.  Whiteboard all set as well.  3 minutes to spare before 5am.  Let’s rock and roll!

Welcome & Disclaimer

F3 has 5 core principles:  1. Free 2. Open to ALL men 3. Peer led in a rotating fashion 4. Held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold 5. Ends in a Circle of Trust

I am not a professional.  You are here of your own free will.  I have no knowledge of any injuries or fitness considerations. It is your responsibility to be safe and modify exercises as needed.

In cadence (IC) is the rhythm in between each rep or the body movement between each rep.

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.


NOPE..need the whole time for this beastly thing.

The Thang

Death by Skinny Runner

100 Gas Pumpers (Knees to Chest)

50 Jump Rope

1 mile run

25 Hello Dollies

25 Burpees

50 Jump Rope

400-meter run

25 Hand Release Merkins

25 V-Ups

50 Jump Rope

400-meter run

25 Leg Raises

25 Jungle Boi Squats – 2 spoons style

50 Jump Rope

400-meter run

25 4-count flutter kicks

25 Bonnie Blairs (hard way – right leg and left leg counts as 1) or 50, each leg is 1

50 Jump Rope

400-meter run

100 Big Boy Sit-ups

50 Jump Rope

1 mile run


NOPE AGAIN, we finished right at 6am

Circle of Trust


F324 is coming in November, respond to Blues Clues’ survey.

Name – o – rama:  Cousin Eddie, Speaker City, Mr. Nice Guy, Mellencamp


My mom is scheduled to come home tomorrow.  I have my appendectomy next week.


All the people in Cuba and Southern Florida dealing with Hurricane Ian.

Naked Man Moleskin

A couple weeks ago, Nala posted about trying to put together a shield lock.  It was a moment of vulnerability and what we all on some level want to be.  So I too am putting myself out there.  I consider many of the men of F3 to be my friend and we have friendly exchanges.  But I can’t say that there is a tight knit group in which I am a part.  Some would say that there’s not enough time to cultivate close friendships but who is to say that there needs to be a lot of time?  Proximity is key to many relationships and friendships.  Persistence is another.  And there is also patience.  P3 to go with F3.  Sometimes I crack myself up.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings.

Lord, grant me the coffee to change the things I can and the whisky to accept the things I can’t.


Cousin Eddie

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