04/10/2020 - Virtuosity - Happy Birthday Adrian

AO: Virtuosity

When: 04/10/2020


Number of Pax: 9

Pax Names: Baby Hands, Bean Counter, Cannoli, Dilly Dilly, Fargo, Mr. Hankey, Smalls, Sputnik, Tonka,

DR Names:

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bean Counter


April 10th is an important day to me…and it is not because it is Good Friday! Have your coupons ready and open up a nice spot against a wall for some potential wall-sits. There will be some running but for those uncomfortable, there will be a modification so that you can stay in your garage/basement. Let’s get some familiar faces back out here! :muscle:


Good Mornings x 10
Abe Vigodas x 10
Overhead Clap x 10
Farmer Carry :60 seconds out, Switch arms :60 seconds back in.

The Thang

Thang 1

Let PAX know today was my first son’s birthday. Doing exercises that make me think of caring for a baby.

4 x 10 x 4 – 4 excercise, 10 reps, 4 total sets

1. Rock a bye Baby
2. Curls
3. Lion Kings
4. Bent over Row

Run out :60 seconds, run back
Hold Al Gore for 6

Thang 2

My son’s name is Adrian Reid. The plan was to do a different exercise for each letter in his name:

Apolo Ono x 16
Dive Bomber x 16
Russian Dips x 16 (somehow I skipped this one)
Imperial Squat Walker x 16
Aussie Burpee x 16
Newton’s Craddle x 16

Rocky Balboas x 16
Elf on Shelf x 16 (Cut out for time)
Isolated Curls x 16 (Cut out for time)
Diamond Merkins x 16

Dying Cockroach IC x10
American Hammers IC x 10
Swimmers IC x 10
Big Boys x 10 OYO

Circle of Trust

Today is a very special day for me because it is the anniversary of when I became a father. Or in other words, my first 2.0’s birthday. Adrian Reid is 4 today. You may have noticed a theme of 4’s, 10’s and 16’s…April, 10, 2016. I know many of us have kids and we have all gone through the various ups and downs that comes with being a father. Adrian has taught me so much in my life. So much about him, myself, and what it takes to be a great father. I believe many of us have this mindset of trying to give our kids everything we ever would have wanted as kids and more. I try every single day, sometimes unsuccessfully, to be the best father I can be.

Getting through the terrible two’s and this crazy three-nager stage has hopefully prepared me for what else is about to come. Being patient with him has sometimes been a struggle, mainly because he can be a little shit head like his dad, but also with his interactions with my other son, my 1 year old. I can’t wait till he gets a little older and can defend himself better. I am sure that will lead to some more headaches, but such is life! Anyways, while being patient is sometimes tough, the amount of love that I have for both of the boys is something that I could not have imagined being capable of. So on this day, I just wanted to dedicate this workout to my boy and wish for him to have a great day. Although we can’t celebrate how we normally would given the current health crisis, we can still give him all the love, attention, and memories that he will hopefully carry with him for a while. Or at least until his next birthday.

We prayed for Super 8’s family and for Smalls Brother, Sister, and Father who are all dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in their own ways.

Naked Man Moleskin

I’ve participated in just under 10 of these live virtual posts. This was my first time being Q. Overall things went pretty well. I had some internet connection issues, but I switched from my laptop to my phone and we continued on. I appreciate you guys coming out and helping me do my own small tribute to my son’s birthday. Hope you have a great day with your loved ones as well.

Also – I noted that the cool thing about these virtual posts is that you get to see/meet some new PAX who you may not normally post with depending on your AO of choice. So that was pretty cool.

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